What to do if the website does not include

SEO Novice, I have been in this company for a month and a half, and there is only one in the company SEO Position, no one can communicate. From the beginning to the company, the team leader arranged to move the website to Kimuyu. Kimuyu was almost done, and the team leader said to do a natural ranking. The first thing I thought of in ranking is to write articles. So far, I have written more than 20 articles, but none of them seems to be included.

The content of self feeling is still available. What can I do now? There is a problem with the website log, unable to download.....

This is an article released on June 30th: http://cs.cdaosmith.com/wz/hyzx/1208.html [?]

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    14 participants
Wang Jiulin Wait for 1 person to agree with the answer

Change the title template source code under the content page to call Site Title It's better to write the company abbreviation instead

Wang Jiulin Wait for 1 person to agree with the answer

article There is a big problem with the content page. The title is too long. It is better to only have the company name after the title of the article. Then the weight can be increased

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It's really difficult to include

Mine hasn't moved for three months

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The collection is poor recently. Wait a minute

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1. The overall collection of the site is OK;  

2. Be able to participate in thesaurus ranking There are not many pages, mainly just a few pages, and the home page is the main page. A large number of pages do not produce words, have included words, and do not participate in the display of the thesaurus.  

Ps: There are a lot of headlines on the home page, but they are still included effectively. The main reason is that the home page participates in the ranking

1、 New Old websites Differences not included

First, you need to determine whether this site is a new site that has just been launched for 1-3 months, or an old site that has been more than half a year.

If it is a new website, the home page will be included within 1 week after it is launched. However, it takes 10-20 days for a large number of inside pages to be included and searched, captured and released. If a website has many blank pages, or a large number of pages have very little content, in this case, the corresponding pages will not be included, or the inclusion will be very slow. If the website has not been included on the homepage for more than 20 days, the website domain name may have a criminal record and be searched Indexes Qinglahei, in this case Baidu Complaints Next.

If it is old Website not included , most of the newly added pages are not searched, and most of them are page quality problems.

2、 The website does not include conventional analysis ideas

1. The server of the website must be stable. You can use Baidu Resources website to manage information, Grab exception See the stability of the server.

2. Check Robots Whether. txt files are allowed to be crawled. For example, whether the homepage of the website and the pages of each column have been blocked.

3. Check whether the path of each page of the website is good. For example, a large number of calls are not conducive to recording, and Site : Check whether the website has moved static state Coexistence path.

4. Important pages cannot be written on JS Inside the label. For example, the homepage navigation, the format of the page, the format of the page and the inner page of each column cannot be written in the JS tag, and cannot be viewed code Users who can use Google browser , which is set to disallow javascript fetching. After refreshing, you can see the page effect. The JS part cannot display and display the effect.

5. The page is stable and of good quality. The link of the website page section is reasonable, the content quality is good, and the page is not changed frequently. Not a lot of content comes from collection, and there is no user search demand.

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None of my recent ones are included

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