How does the adaptive station install Baidu Statistics?

The website is an adaptive station, which is better than the ranking of PCs. I haven't installed statistics yet. I want to install Baidu Statistics. How to install Baidu Statistics is the same as that of PCs? Baidu statistics is the first application code?

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    6 participants
 Henan Zhenyu Law Firm
Henan Zhenyu Law · 7 years front seo, zhenyu law firm

Baidu Statistics Of code Same as PC.

If it is an adaptive page, no adaptation is required—— Enter Baidu webmaster page and find "resource submission" on the left -“ Mobile adaptation ”, and then look at the contents in the middle, as follows:

1. In order to promote search users in Baidu Mobile The search experience will give the mobile phone page of the corresponding PC page search result There are more opportunities for presentation, and the site needs to submit the subject to Baidu Same content The corresponding relationship between PC page and mobile page is mobile adaptation. To this end, Baidu Mobile Search Provide "mobile adaptation" service. If you have a PC station and Mobile phone station , and the two can correspond in content, that is, the main content is identical. You can submit the correspondence through the mobile adapter.
2. Adaptive sites do not need to use mobile adaptation tools.
3. Mobile adapter cannot solve the problem Mobile terminal Sorting problem, search sorting exception, please submit in the feedback center.
4. The mobile adapter verification time is 14 days. If the verification is not completed 14 days after the data is submitted, please submit the problem in the feedback center as soon as possible.

It's the same. Everything is OK

Shutdown code PC mobile should be the same. It's better to install an adaptive station

FQF · World Airways Express - International Logistics Transport of Dangerous Goods

Same installation, no difference

 Japanese snacks
Japanese snacks · Mingmen Snapper Roast Shop is engaged in Japanese snacks. Its products include Dongzhu, octopus meatballs, Snapper Roast, Yuzi Roast, etc

Shutdown code PC mobile should be the same. It's better to install an adaptive station

 Dazheng design
Dazheng design · Kindergarten design - 9 years leading representative of kindergarten decoration industry, hundreds of industry cases

The 51la v6 statistics are very useful. Self adaptation only needs one segment JS It's done,

My site is adaptive, you can have a look.

Both PC and mobile phone access are clear at a glance, and can also display the mobile phone brand, access time, stay time, etc