If you add display: none to the directory and update it, will Baidu punish you

If you add display: none to the directory and update it, will Baidu punish you

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Hidden Text refers to a page where you want to get ranking Set the color of the keyword to the background color. Visitors to the page can't see those keywords when reading Indexes Qing counted these keywords when doing statistics Keyword density It will be improved, and ultimately improve the search engine ranking. As far as the current search engine rules are concerned, hidden text is not recognized, but it does not mean that as long as these techniques are used, they will be punished. In fact, many large websites have adopted some special effects such as display: none tags, and search engines have not punished these behaviors. Of course, the weight of small sites cannot be compared with it. If it is a simple hiding behavior, it will basically be judged as SEO cheating The probability of being punished is very high, but hiding control through CSS tags is not so strict.

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Visually invisible, which is different from that of spiders
Add display: none is only hidden, not non-existent; If you add crawling, you can still crawl. As long as your page is updated when you crawl next time, there is no penalty.

 Shangbosi Chain Management System
Shangbosi Chain · Professional cashier system for hairdressing, beauty, health care, massage, massage and nail industry

It should be okay

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