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At present, many HR personnel pay more attention to education, but pay more attention to project practice. So learning Java development does not attach importance to education, as long as you can persevere and have a strong interest.
With the popularization of higher education, now when recruiting enterprise HR, the requirements for academic qualifications are becoming more and more strict. So some children with low academic qualifications are worried about whether they can't learn Java or are not suitable for learning Java, and it is not good to learn it for employment. Let's analyze it with our partners.

We can't learn Java with a low degree or if it is suitable for us. It depends on whether we are interested and how persistent we are. If we are not interested, we may not be able to learn Java even with a high degree.

1. Interest is the best teacher

The best way to learn Java development is to have a strong interest in Java programming, which is the prerequisite. Because Java programmers face a full screen all day long code If you are not interested, you will feel very boring, unable to further study, and ultimately will not learn. It is different to have a strong interest in java programming. He can swim in the ocean of code and enjoy himself, so that he can easily understand and master the foundation of java development.

2. Logical thinking ability

We learn not only the writing of the Java development language, but also the programming thinking of the Java development language. Programming thinking is not what I told you once, but what you have is that it is cultivated through long-term exercise and code running in. The process of programming is actually the process of stimulating programming thinking.

3. Whether it can be sustained

No matter what you learn, you need perseverance. Never shrink back when you can't solve problems. That's not good. In the process of learning Java, you may encounter more problems. In addition to being interested, you must have perseverance to learn Java well.

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It has nothing to do with your educational background. You can learn it if you are willing to work hard

It has nothing to do with education, as long as you can use Java development rules

It doesn't need a high degree, but it's really difficult to learn it without interest

This has nothing to do with your education background. If you are interested, just look at it video , practice more. The biggest advantage of learning programming is that you can run it without limit and directly use others' code To learn, it is easy to test and run your own. Hands on is the key.

Does this require a high degree??

Reading, reading video , multi operation