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2021-09-01 Join Search
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The content of the site has been updated all the time, but the amount of content is not much. How can we increase the number of content? Add inclusion

1. Update articles according to the rules, not one day, not several days 2. The quality of articles should be better, original or pseudo original, the title should be natural, no keywords should be stacked, and an internal link should be made inside the article. Every article should be accompanied with pictures as far as possible, with a small amount of repetition, starting from 5 articles a day at least 3. Update the website map file and submit Baidu webmaster url 4.……

four hundred and nineteen browse

This stack? I can't fix it

The word laboratory has a high rating I used to be the same as you. The ranking keywords were all lost. Baidu said I piled them up. Later, I changed them. Recently, I fed back the traffic and said that it would start to recover within 7 days. Never fight against the platform, this is the truth

four hundred and thirty-nine browse

Would it be better to exchange a friend chain with a weight several levels higher than your own? Friendly chain effect Friendly chain

1. The effect will definitely be better than that of your poor website or equivalent friendship link 2. But generally good websites will not change to worse websites, so generally, no one will change 3. If you change a lot of such websites, Baidu may detect that you have purchased an external chain, and may make a decision