One click search for popular advertising materials

Real time tracking of competitive product launch strategy and analysis of traffic platform trends!

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AppGrowing China helps advertisers gain insight into domestic mobile advertising trends

Check the advertising creativity of the whole network for creative inspiration

  • Real time tracking of advertising creativity of 40 domestic traffic platforms, support for rapid search of 38 industries' promotion creativity, collect 1.1 billion+advertising creativity accumulatively, obtain inspiration from the analysis of explosive creativity, and improve the efficiency of advertising creative production, review and volume.
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Track the dynamics of competitive pair launch, and adjust quickly

  • Provide different promotion rankings such as App/game/applet/clue, quickly explore the competition situation in the subdivided industries, understand the advertising rhythm, channel distribution, material direction, cost and other information of competing products, respond in time and scientifically optimize their own advertising strategy.
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Insight into channel promotion trend and reduce test cost

  • Clearly present the traffic distribution and advertising creativity of different industries in the traffic platform, easily grasp the overall trend of different traffic platforms, quickly understand the characteristics of different channels, reduce the cost of channel testing, and improve the ROI of advertising.
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AppGrowing International helps advertisers go to sea for marketing

 Understand the global buying trend and grasp the secret script of sea going flow
 Grasp App promotion information and understand industry trends
Understand the global buying trend and grasp the secret script of sea going flow
  • Covering more than 50 countries and regions, 24 global media
  • Multi dimensional screening of popular ideas, improving multilingual material production
  • Quickly understand the global promotion strategy and rhythm of competitors and peers
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Grasp App promotion information and understand industry trends
  • App store list, App promotion multi-dimensional information, more comprehensive analysis
  • Real time update of China Sailing List, grasp the marketing trend of Sailing Game products
  • Insight into the buying trend of the game category, helping to select and develop game products
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They are all using AppGrowing

With the help of AppGrowing, we can quickly understand the market launch trends, enable service providers to improve advertising efficiency and develop potential customers, and help us better serve advertisers.

Advertising Agency

The launch trend of AppGrowing and a large amount of advertising materials help us better look up and walk, see more, farther and newer things, and broaden our growth thinking.

App advertiser

Through AppGrowing, we can quickly understand the explosive advertising materials, popular product package combinations, market competition and better launch strategies.

Medical health advertiser

Overseas marketing faces too many unknowns, but AppGrowing helps us to understand the market competitiveness of new market segments, understand the characteristics of flow media and the style of materials, and avoid detours.

A mobile travel advertiser

The cultural and creative industry is coming out of the sea. AppGrowing helps us quickly grasp the trend of overseas markets and improve marketing efficiency, which is a strong support to win the first opportunity in the Sina tide.

App advertiser

Advertising is a barometer of economy. Through AppGrowing, research the change of the amount of 'target' investment, and further analyze the rationality of its marketing strategy and the sustainability of its development.

Medical health advertiser
  •  vivo
  •  Alibaba
  •  Zhihu
  •  IQIYI
  •  Alliance gathering
  •  Guangdong Provincial Broadcasting Group
  •  Innovation
  •  Mo Mo
  •  Yingke
  •  Cool dog
  •  Youju Interaction
  •  China Resources Sanjiu
  •  China Galaxy Securities
  •  Junhai Game
  •  Kunlun Wanwei
  •  Netease games
  •  Cheetah movement
  •  Osmun
  •  Noel's mouth
  •  By health
  •  Normal University Education
  •  China Unicom
  •  Gordon Education
  •  Card number technology
  •  Meilai plastic surgery
  •  Shangceng Villa
  •  Baoding Angel
  •  Long seal
  •  Polar painting education
  •  Homework gang
Immediate insight into domestic mobile advertising marketing intelligence Free trial