Hello, 2021

It was 2021 in an instant, and the epidemic led to the frequent occurrence of black swans in 2020, which also had a great impact on my idea.

I thought I would go to an Internet company after graduation, but I finally found a job in a central enterprise.

I used to think that the account was important, but finally I gave up several opportunities to secure the account.

What will happen to forced Beipiao? It will only be experienced later.

The most important thing in 2020 is to meet her.

To be updated

recent developments

Inadvertently, I opened my website and found that it had not been changed for half a year.

I'm really busy recently. The double pressure of finding a job and scientific research makes me upset. Fortunately, I have a baby with me.

The employment situation this year is really miserable. The companies that no one reported in previous years are full of people this year.

In the process of preparing for the written interview, I also sorted out some materials, and felt that I could put them on github or website in the future, which could also be regarded as a contribution.

Tsinghua Science Park on a rainy night

Put a picture of Tsinghua Science Park taken while walking around. I hope we can have a good position in this city.

Website data sorting

At the beginning of September, the data on the website was sorted out continuously. They mainly did the following things:

  • The one sentence article is integrated.
  • Deleted non original articles.
  • Several inappropriate articles have been deleted.

In early December, I suddenly received an email from Tencent Cloud saying that my filing information needs to be changed. A new website has been created because the website for filing cannot have the function of comment.

After the change of filing, I suddenly wanted to sort out the media data on the website, so I took this opportunity to move all the original text data to the new station, and upload the image data again after sorting out. After sorting out, the space occupied by pictures has been reduced by 60%, and the problem that some pictures cannot be displayed due to the conversion of wordpress to typecho and moving back to wordpress has been completely solved.

Recently, I felt that the theme used by the website looks a little too stingy on the widescreen display. I'm still thinking about changing the theme.


Unconsciously, the time has passed for another year, and after today, it is also a person who has lived over twenty years.

Recently, I read the news that the biggest post-90s will be 30 years old after this year. When we saw this news, we were still surprised: once upon a time, we thought the post-70s were very old; After this year, the post-20s will look at the post-90s in the same way.

Looking back on this year, the first half was silly and the second half was confused.

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First snow

Recently busy lose hair The blog was not updated much. The day before yesterday, the first snow in Beijing blew up everyone's microblog and circle of friends. It happened that the next day after the snow fell was Saturday, so on a whim, I made an appointment for tickets to the Forbidden City to see the snow.

It was still cold in the morning after the snow, and the whole city was covered with snow, which made Beijing, a fast-paced city, show a rare ease.

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My Motherland and I and the Climber

I wrote two articles a while ago technology Wen, I found that no one looked at it. It's better to write hydrology.

This year, there are three films "My Motherland and I", "Climber" and "Captain of China" on the National Day. It can be said that these three films are theme films. I went home for the National Day holiday and watched two movies at home.

The first thing I saw was The Climber, which I thought was average. The main reason was that there were too many emotional scenes, which seriously affected the rhythm of the film. Not only a pair of protagonists in various emotional scenes, but also a pair of people playing soy sauce behind them. They all died half of their lives, which is quite provocative. Moreover, "The Climber" is based on real historical stories, so in this film, "Wolf" like Wu Jing is a bit illogical. In addition, the second man led the team to climb. Later, in order to protect the camera, he made a heroic sacrifice, but the other team members unexpectedly pulled down. Then he died in vain, which seemed inexplicable. In addition, I feel that the film does not show the team spirit of Chinese people and the spirit of daring to sacrifice themselves for the country.

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PointNet - 3D point cloud depth learning network

brief introduction

This series of papers first proposed a new in-depth learning model for processing point cloud data PointNet, and verified that it can be used for a variety of cognitive tasks of point cloud data, such as classification, semantic segmentation and target recognition. Unlike the representation of image data in computers, which usually encodes the spatial relationship between pixels, point cloud data is represented by a collection of unordered data points. Therefore, before using the deep learning model of image recognition task to process point cloud data, it is necessary to do some processing on point cloud data. At present, there are two main methods: - projecting point cloud data to a two-dimensional plane. This method does not directly process 3D point cloud data, but first projects the point cloud to some specific angles of view, such as forward view and bird's eye view. At the same time, the image information from the camera can also be fused. The cognitive task of point cloud data is realized by combining these data from different perspectives. Typical algorithms are MV3D and AVOD.

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