Classified directory archiving: informal essay

It seems that it hasn't been updated for almost a year, and I don't know what to write

Hello, 2021

It was 2021 in an instant, and the epidemic led to the frequent occurrence of black swans in 2020, which also had a great impact on my idea.

I thought I would go to an Internet company after graduation, but I finally found a job in a central enterprise.

I used to think that the account was important, but finally I gave up several opportunities to secure the account.

What will happen to forced Beipiao? It will only be experienced later.

The most important thing in 2020 is to meet her.

To be updated

recent developments

Inadvertently, I opened my website and found that it had not been changed for half a year.

I'm really busy recently. The double pressure of finding a job and scientific research makes me upset. Fortunately, I have a baby with me.

The employment situation this year is really miserable. The companies that no one reported in previous years are full of people this year.

In the process of preparing for the written interview, I also sorted out some materials, and felt that I could put them on github or website in the future, which could also be regarded as a contribution.

Tsinghua Science Park on a rainy night

Put a picture of Tsinghua Science Park taken while walking around. I hope we can have a good position in this city.