Classified directory archiving: life


June 26, 2022

Recently, I have been working for one month continuously, so the ambitious update plan made last time has been broken again

Another thing is to rent a master bedroom and move out of the company dormitory

May Day at Home

The May Day holiday this year was very special. After taking five days off in lieu, I couldn't go home. Then I couldn't go to the scenic spot. Later, I couldn't eat in the hall. I have to study at home cooking
It has to be said that programmers are all talents, and even the Programmer's Cooking Guide has been published. There are no more vague words, and they are really particular.

First snow

Recently busy lose hair The blog was not updated much. The day before yesterday, the first snow in Beijing blew up everyone's microblog and circle of friends. It happened that the next day after the snow fell was Saturday, so on a whim, I made an appointment for tickets to the Forbidden City to see the snow.

It was still cold in the morning after the snow, and the whole city was covered with snow, which made Beijing, a fast-paced city, show a rare ease.

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My Motherland and I and the Climber

I wrote two articles a while ago technology Wen, I found that no one looked at it. It's better to write hydrology.

This year, there are three films "My Motherland and I", "Climber" and "Captain of China" on the National Day. It can be said that these three films are theme films. I went home for the National Day holiday and watched two movies at home.

The first thing I saw was The Climber, which I thought was average. The main reason was that there were too many emotional scenes, which seriously affected the rhythm of the film. Not only a pair of protagonists in various emotional scenes, but also a pair of people playing soy sauce behind them. They all died half of their lives, which is quite provocative. Moreover, "The Climber" is based on real historical stories, so in this film, "Wolf" like Wu Jing is a bit illogical. In addition, the second man led the team to climb. Later, in order to protect the camera, he made a heroic sacrifice, but the other team members unexpectedly pulled down. Then he died in vain, which seemed inexplicable. In addition, I feel that the film does not show the team spirit of Chinese people and the spirit of daring to sacrifice themselves for the country.

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Looking back on the past year, the greatest achievement was that he was admitted to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and took the opportunity to change his major to computer science and technology.

Looking back on the past four years, that is, my college life, I would like to thank many teachers and leaders for their help, so that I found what I should do and like to do in my free and confused college life.

I hope that in the next year and the next few years, I can be less impetuous, learn relevant knowledge well and make some achievements, which will not waste my time as a graduate student.

End of postgraduate entrance examination!

The year long battle for postgraduate entrance examination has finally ended, and I am honored to be admitted to an institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Recall that since the beginning of last year, we began to investigate the postgraduate entrance examination and review mathematics. We began to review mathematics and English systematically in the summer vacation. Then we started a semester of postgraduate entrance examination surprise in September. We will take the postgraduate entrance examination again this Wednesday. Although many times during the process, I hope that the postgraduate entrance examination will end quickly, but when it is over, I will still feel that time is fleeting.

Thank you, Brother Yu. I still owe you money for a genuine video. I will definitely give back to those in need, as you said; Thank you for your review of English and politics. I will definitely recommend this excellent team to more students; Thanks to the seniors of the Institute of Electronics and the Institute of Optoelectronics. Although the type of professional subject has changed, thank you for your professional review materials

Of course, the most important thing is to thank those people who helped me at various times. I will not describe the details, but I will remember your help!