Classified directory archiving: originality

A different theme

Another theme has been changed. In fact, it is the official 2012 magic change.

Major changes

  1. Change to single column theme
  2. Enlarge the width of text part, more suitable for widescreen display effect
  3. Replace some fonts
  4. Change to markdown with plug-ins

Theme follow-up plan:

  1. Archive Page
  2. Levitation directory
  3. Back to top

Blog follow-up plan:

  • Hide some of the previous articles written in the Second Middle School
  • Later, I will mainly write articles about life, tourism and Yiditiu technology
  • Try to update at least one article every month
  • Make a special web page to record life

Try not to slap: stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Website data sorting

At the beginning of September, the data on the website was sorted out continuously. They mainly did the following things:

  • The one sentence article is integrated.
  • Deleted non original articles.
  • Several inappropriate articles have been deleted.

In early December, I suddenly received an email from Tencent Cloud saying that my filing information needs to be changed. A new website has been created because the website for filing cannot have the function of comment.

After the change of filing, I suddenly wanted to sort out the media data on the website, so I took this opportunity to move all the original text data to the new station, and upload the image data again after sorting out. After sorting out, the space occupied by pictures has been reduced by 60%, and the problem that some pictures cannot be displayed due to the conversion of wordpress to typecho and moving back to wordpress has been completely solved.

Recently, I felt that the theme used by the website looks a little too stingy on the widescreen display. I'm still thinking about changing the theme.

Bitron's first experience

Updated in April 2019:

There is no more invitation code. Don't ask

Today, I finally got the invitation code from Bitcron. I especially thank Lin Mumu, and tested it.

Tell me about your feelings:

1. The background of Bitron is very simple, and the introduction is a little confused, mainly to help you find it yourself, so I am a little confused at first.

2. There are not many themes at present, but it seems that it is convenient to do it yourself.

3. The node seems to be overseas, so it is not easy to file.

4. Markdown is really cool.

That's all at present, still experiencing

The fun is not here

The website seems to have no new articles for a long time. Many things have happened but I'm too lazy to write. In general, I've become lazy.

Today, I tried to change the theme of the website, and then I found that there were too many problems and I was too lazy to do it.

Graduation thesis writing is also extremely slow, which is a late stage of procrastination, and I don't know how to do it.

Do something

Recently, two weeks have passed since the three weeks of course design, and the website has been rebuilt after drawing pictures. The main changes are: the blog theme has changed from Puma of Dafa to UIE. In fact, it feels that the theme is Puma has changed to a set of CSS, but it seems that the style of the whole station has changed. Recently, I don't know what the stimulus is. I like the minimalist style. This set of theme is just right for me, After that, some minor modifications were made to the theme.
The original homepage of the website has been removed. The blog has been changed from to and https has been enabled. The reason for the removal is that the webpage is ugly and it is meaningless not to update for thousands of years. Now the webpage still exists I also studied 301 redirections for this matter. Failed to change the typecho. See the previous article.
A large number of friend chains have been changed, and now I feel that the number of visitors is a little larger than before, which may have something to do with the boring personal introduction of the original website once it opens the home page. be without

However, I think it's almost time for the website to end. Stimulated by someone, I plan to learn something. During the learning process, I guess I will sort out all the information I found during the learning process on my blog, but I guess I won't post it until it has a certain prospect. Aha, let's wait and see

Failure record of tossing typecho

I have been doing boring course design these two days, so There is a lot of time I have visited many blogs these days and found that more and more people are playing typecho. I also want to find one that supports markdown, so I plan to try it.

When I graduated from senior high school in 14 years, I struggled with typecho for a while. Later, I switched back to wordpress because I felt that no one maintained typecho.

The configuration is normal. Later, the official wp to tp tool was used to transfer data. In a word, the tool of the wp3 era can still be used normally now. After the transfer, everything seems to be normal. I happily ran to the Shiitake president's article and replied, "I succeeded 23333.".

Then came the problem. I felt that some articles were poorly typeset. I planned to edit them, but found that the articles were in html format. I either edited them bit by bit or could not edit them, and the pictures were not converted.

Undeterred, I went to github to search for any html to markdown code, and found several sets. I chose a set of Python code that I am familiar with. After a lot of trouble, the format was indeed changed, but it was no different from not changing. The layout was simply.

Current status, pawn


sudo sh -c 'echo "deb trusty main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-key 0xB01FA116
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-desktop-full
sudo rosdep init
rosdep update
echo "source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
sudo apt-get install python-rosinstall


Configure ssh public key
a、 First generate the ssh public key locally

  1. ssh-keygen -C 'your emaildress' -t rsa

For example: ssh keygen - C ' ' -t rsa
The corresponding key file will be created in the user directory~/. ssh/
You can use ssh - v Command to test whether the link is unblocked

  1. ssh -v

b、 Upload public key to github
In the profile of the account, select the SSH KEYS option, then add the SSH Key, copy the content in~/. ssh/, and upload it.
After uploading successfully, you will receive a confirmation email. You can use ssh - v Command to test whether the link is unblocked.
Manage Projects
a、 Establish warehouse
Create a new directory to be used as the warehouse directory. Enter the directory, run the git init command, and initialize the warehouse. After that, you will find a hidden. git file in the directory.

  1. git init

b. Git configuration

  1. git config --global "Your Real Name"
  2. git config --global you@email.address

c、 Add File

  1. git add ./

This is to add all the files in the directory. If you just add a file, the file name will be listed. If you add a directory, you can use * instead.
d. Commit project

  1. git commit -m 'my first version

-The description of the project follows.
e、 Upload project

  1. git remote add origin : your github username/your github project name.git
  2. git push origin master

When executing push in this step, the system may require you to pull first, then pull first and then push

Move to Penguin House

My Baidu Open Cloud will expire in 20 days, so I always want to move my website. Speaking of all, Baidu Cloud has used it for one and a half years, and its overall speed and stability are good. In addition, my website has also been prepared by Baidu Cloud. However, there is no student discount at present.

I originally planned to go to Alibaba Cloud. The student discount is 9.9 yuan a month. However, I have to say that Alibaba Cloud's website is so poor that I couldn't find the authentication portal after a long time.

Then I saw the advertisement of Tencent Cloud, and found that the student price of Tencent Cloud is 1 yuan a month, the server configuration is the same as that of Ali, the monthly traffic is twice that of Ali, and a free cn domain name is also given. However, the trouble is that Tencent Cloud gives vouchers once a month, which needs to be paid once a month.

Read on

Xiaomi 5 experience

I always have some expectations for Xiaomi 5, because Xiaomi and Huawei are the only serious ones in domestic computers, and Apple cannot afford them.

Then I watched the Rebus conference on the 24th with great interest. I felt very satisfied. I had everything I should have, and the overall design was pretty good. Although Xiaomi's black technology is a bit bullshit, it is still good on the whole. So I want to try the real machine.

So I went to Xiaomi's Home today. This place needs to complain that Xiaomi's Home in Wucai City was moved to Xiaomi's Home in Woolen Textile Road. It is inevitable that there will be many people. What did Lei Jun say at the press conference.

Read on