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Free download of Zhibo online v1.2.2

Zhibo online app is an online homework tutoring software with good reputation. Zhibo Online has hired a number of professional teachers to provide online tutoring and teaching services for everyone. Zhibo online app hopes to help students improve their academic performance in various disciplines!

Software Introduction

Zhibo online app is a platform software focusing on online training function. Zhibo Online is built by Beijing Zhibo Peiyou Network Technology Co., Ltd. It is a service platform with one-to-one online education as the core, serving students of all grades in primary and secondary schools, and bringing excellent tutors and perfect tutoring systems to students.

 Know broadcast online

Software advantages

1. High definition picture real-time interaction

2. Handwritten content real-time transmission

3. Online review of course content

4. Attend at any time during the course

5. Actual feedback of after class report

Software features

Personalized courses

The course is divided into basic series lectures, special comprehensive courses and finishing lessons.

Independent research and development

Independent research and development of teaching and research system to open new experience of smart teaching

Closed loop learning mode

Real realization of individualized learning experience

Function introduction

Our vision: uphold individuality, recognize differences, solidly and effectively promote personalized education, and achieve balanced development!

Our goal: move effective classes to students, optimize learning methods, improve performance and promote development!

Our philosophy: tutorial system, coaching style, dialogue style!

Our school: model, experience and achievements!

Our teacher: Be familiar with examinations, understand children, and be good at implementation!

Our team: reasonable structure, rich experience and good implementation!

Our courses: emphasizing system, process and transparency!

Our standard: precision, precision and accuracy!

Our management: strict, rigorous and strict!

Our service: individuation, humanization and visualization!

Software highlights

Online reservation:

Get free diagnosis courses from famous teachers

To make an appointment for you:

Your exclusive course consultant will contact you in time to arrange a famous teacher's diagnosis class for your child

Enter the online classroom:

Live in person.


Beijing Zhibo Peiyou Network Technology Co., Ltd. is an online education company under Xuewei Education Group, which aims to precisely cultivate innovative talents and is dedicated to extracurricular tutoring for primary and secondary school students. Zhibo Peiyou utilizes the network advantages to integrate the advantages and teachers of the original learning as the offline one-to-one courses, primary school entrance examination courses, and the top class courses in the middle school and college entrance examination in Beijing, and carries out one-to-one courses for primary school entrance examination and middle school and college entrance examination nationwide in the way of online live broadcast.

Update log


1. The curriculum page of the educational administration role has been added. The educational administration can view the daily curriculum data in real time to better serve students. 2. Optimized the startup of the splash screen page and the version update interface

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1st floor net friend 24-02-20 15:50:53

In computer learning, I highly recommend this Zhibo Online. I really use it and tell you that you can't be wrong

2nd floor net friend 24-02-20 12:22:39

Computer learning software finally let me find a good software, and then I will recognize Zhibo Online

3rd floor net friend 24-02-20 01:45:03

Computer learning software which strong! Cloud Knight Finds Zhibo Online

4th floor net friend 24-02-19 21:29:04

Let me ask you whether this Zhibao Online is the latest official version of 1.2 provided by the government?

5F net friend 24-02-18 18:54:09

I think this software of Zhibo Online is very good. It supports Cloud Knight, and I hope it will be better and better!

6th floor net friend 24-02-18 03:18:13

After downloading the podcast online, you will be prompted that it is toxic? Is it my computer or the software? This should not happen.

7th floor net friend 24-02-18 03:02:55

The PC version of Zhibo Online is not too bad. I don't know if there is a mobile version. I'm looking forward to it.

8th floor net friend 24-02-17 08:42:59

After finding so many download software websites to download Zhibo Online, I finally found you, my official version of Zhibo Online 1.2

9th floor net friend 24-02-16 03:45:59

I like to use simplified software. I can't understand other languages at all.

10th floor net friend 24-02-16 02:28:44

How to use this Zhibo Online? I'm Xiaobai. Please explain

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