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Free download of driver v5.0.0 for enjoying the road

   Driver app for enjoying the road It is an intelligent travel service software specially created for drivers who enjoy the road. Users can master more travel orders through the software, making travel more convenient. At the same time, it also brings more taxi orders for drivers, making money more convenient. Users who need it can download it!

Introduction to the driver end software of the road sharing travel

The app for road sharing drivers is a new software for vehicle delivery. Using the Road Sharing app can help you travel more conveniently. Online car hailing is available anytime and anywhere. It supports booking travel, carpooling travel, etc. Let you travel more diversified, but also more money saving!

 Road sharing driver

The app function of drivers enjoying the road

   [Large platform with high income]

Backed by state-owned enterprises, guaranteed salary, low service rate, and various benefits


Continuous use of GPS in the background may shorten battery life

   [Weekly settlement]

In addition to the basic salary, we also implement fast weekly payment. You can get your salary four times a month, and receive soft money

 Road sharing driver (1)

Platform advantages

   [High quality service]

Self operated new energy vehicles are low-carbon and environmentally friendly, pick up on time, star service, cost-effective

   [Safe and comfortable]

Use big data intelligent computing technology to improve operation and service efficiency and ensure efficient and safe travel

   [Focus on public praise]

Offline recruitment and training of high-quality professional drivers, unified training, standardized services, to bring users a safe, convenient and low-carbon high-quality experience

Update log

   Updated v4.14.0

Dear owner of Xiangdao, you have worked hard!

The main updated contents of this version are as follows:

Detail optimization and problem repair to improve your experience

   v4.0.0 Update content

Dear owner of Xiangdao, you have worked hard!

The main updated contents of this version are as follows:

[Optimization] Function bit optimization

And multiple details optimization and problem repair to improve your experience

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