The Denial of Death

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How should we look at creation? If the daily life of an organism is to tear other creatures with various teeth, tear and grind the meat and plant stems, grind the bones with molars, and gladly push these fragments into the stomach greedily. Put their essence into their own bodies, and then use foul feces and gas to discharge the residue. Everyone reaches for what he can eat and incorporates it into his body. Mosquitoes and maggots suck blood and swell. Killing bees attack like demons with rage. Sharks will continue to bite and swallow even if their internal organs have been torn out. Not to mention the "natural" disasters that dismember and kill every day, an earthquake buried 70000 people alive in Peru, cars piled into a pyramid of 50000 people every year in the United States alone, and the tide of the Indian Ocean took 250000 people away. Creation is a nightmarish landscape, taking place on a planet that has been soaked in the blood of all creatures for hundreds of millions of years. For what has actually happened on this planet for about 3 billion years, we can draw the most sobering conclusion that this planet is becoming a huge fertilizer pit. But the sun distracts our attention. It always bakes the blood dry, makes things grow on it, and gives the organism comfort and broad hope with its warmth.


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