Why people like democracy

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In the eyes of wise people like Socrates, democracy is just a group of ragtag people coming together to solve problems. Most people's opinions are not necessarily right, and truth is often in the hands of a few elites.

We said that unless a person with high talent plays and learns in a good environment from an early age and is well educated, he cannot grow into a good person. The democratic system tramples on all these ideals in a frivolous attitude, without asking a person what he used to do or what his character was. As long as he claims to be good to the people when he turns to politics, he will be respected and honored.

I imagine that he will spend money, time and hard work on unnecessary desires as much as he spends on necessary desires in the rest of his life. If he is lucky enough to take the initiative for a short time, his spirit will become more stable as he gets older, and some of the exiled elements will return successively, and the invaders will be restrained. He will establish equality among all kinds of happiness. When he completely controls the next happiness, he will let that happiness be satisfied. Then he will take turns, with equal opportunities, and all kinds of happiness will be satisfied.

If someone told him that some happiness comes from noble good desires, which should be encouraged and satisfied, and some happiness comes from inferior bad desires, which should be controlled and suppressed, he would ignore this and would not open the gate of the fortress to the truth. He would shake his head and say that all happiness is equal and should be respected equally.

In fact, he indulged in his turn of happiness day by day. Today is drinking, women, singing, and tomorrow drinking water, into the strict diet; The first day is intense physical exercise, and the second day is idle, lazy and neglectful; Then for a while, he began to study philosophy. He often wants to engage in politics. He often jumps up and says whatever comes to his mind. Sometimes, he is ambitious, and all his efforts are focused on the military. Sometimes, he is concentrated on doing business and getting rich. His life is out of order and temperance. He thinks his way of life is happy, free and happy, and he will stick to it to the end

I believe that this kind of person is the most diverse person who gathers the most habits in one body, just as that kind of democratic city-state has multifaceted complexity. This kind of person is also colorful, gorgeous, envied by many men and women, and contains the most systems and life patterns.


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