• How does love come into being?

     How does love come into being?

    1. Phenyl ethylamine: Love at first sight or love after a long time. The feeling of "calling" is the masterpiece of this hormone. The nervous system regulates its secretion level, which is actually a stimulant that makes people feel extremely excited, energetic, confident and courageous, make you like loving。 Face hair

  • Principle of glue

     Principle of glue

    The function of glue is to firmly combine two identical or different solids by the action of another substance. It is mainly made of synthetic molecules or natural proteins and carbohydrates, mostly in liquid form, and belongs to the chemical industry. The viscosity of glue is measured with a Brinell viscometer, and the unit is "cps" (centipoise · second). Under normal circumstances, temperature will affect

  • Battery principle

     Battery principle

    Since Volta invented the world's first chemical power source "Volta stack" in 1800, the battery technology has been developing for more than 200 years. When the copper and zinc sheets soaked in the solution and separated by cloth are connected by wires, Mr. Volt feels the stimulation of the current. As more copper and zinc sheets are stacked together, the stimulation of the current becomes stronger. This is Volt who brought us

  • Why do you hiccup

     Why do you hiccup

    Hiccup is called hiccup in medicine, which is caused by paroxysmal and spastic contraction of diaphragm. If you are stimulated by cold, have a full meal, laugh, eat too fast, or eat dry hard food, you may have a temporary hiccup.

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