Ship of Theseus

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Ship of Theseus (English: ship of Theseus), also known as Theseus paradox , Yes Metaphysics About identity One of paradox Greek writers in the first century Plutarch The question was raised: if Theseus The wood on the ship is gradually replaced until all the wood is not the original wood. Is this ship still the original ship? This kind of problem is now called the "ship of Theseus". Some philosophers think it is the same object, and some philosophers think it is not. Before Plutarch, Heraclitus Socrates, Plato have discussed similar issues. modern Hobbes and John Locke This issue was also discussed. There are many different versions of this problem, such as "grandfather's axe".

General[ edit ]

Plutarch The following ancient Greek legends are cited as examples. Theseus And Athens Young people from Crete The 30 oar boat taken by the island when it was returned was left by the Athenians as monument , as time goes by; The wood also gradually decayed, and the Athenians would replace it with new wood. Finally, every piece of wood of the ship was replaced; Therefore, philosophers in ancient Greece began to ask: "Is this ship the original ship of Theseus? If so, it has no original wood; if not, when was it not?"

Philosophers' discussion of this problem[ edit ]

Heraclitus[ edit ]

This chapter Nothing yet

Aristotle[ edit ]

Aristotle believed that objects can be described by Four causes On solving this problem. The constituent material is the material cause, the design and form of the material is the form cause, and the form cause determines what the object is. Based on the formal cause, the ship of Theseus is still the original ship, because although the materials have changed, the design of the ship - the formal cause - has not changed. From this perspective, Heraclitus stepped into the same river twice, because the form of the river has not changed. The purpose of a thing determines its purpose. The purpose of the ship of Theseus is to load and transport in myth, and to prove and commemorate Theseus in reality. Although the materials have changed, the purpose has not changed.

Similar paradox[ edit ]

The River of Heraclitus[ edit ]

Heraclitus Proposed. Although people cross the same river, the water flowing through them is different.

Plutarch also quoted Heraclitus's point of view and put forward the hypothesis that he could not cross the same river again [1]

Grandfather's old axe[ edit ]

English oral language A part of something remains every time; But I changed another part, and gradually all parts changed. The blade of the axe has been changed three times, and the handle has also been changed four times, but it is the same old axe.

Buddhist Anenghe Battle Drum[ edit ]

In ancient times, there was a man called Tassalaha The royal family of war drum , they named it "Ananghe Battle Drum". However, as time passed, the war drum appeared different cracks and flakes, so people quickly and constantly replaced parts for the war drum. However, when all the components were completely replaced, the Buddha asked a question: "At this time, can the anenghe war drum still be called the anenghe war drum?" [2]


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