The Art of Communication

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Only by talking about things you are familiar with and using the topics you are passionate about, can you quickly and easily learn to speak in public.

Three Rules

Say what you have experienced or thought about; They are enthusiastic about their own subjects; Inspire the audience to resonate with the speech.

How to attract audiences

1. The theme should not be too scattered

2. Strengthen your reserve capacity

3. Try to use descriptions and examples (when, where, who, what, why)

4. Create mental images with clear and familiar language

Liveliness, eagerness and vitality -- these three qualities I always think are the first qualities a speaker should possess.

  • Choose your favorite topic
  • Reproduce your feelings about the topic
  • Be enthusiastic

Successful communication depends on the speaker making the materials he quotes part of the audience and making the audience part of his speech

  • Follow the audience's interest
  • Give the most sincere appreciation
  • Be one with the audience
  • Involve the audience in the speech
  • Take a low attitude

Purpose of speech

  • Persuade others to take action
  • describe the circumstances
  • Enhance impression and convince people
  • Entertainment people

How to persuade others to act

  • At the beginning, tell the audience the topic you want to talk about in the form of an example. Through this example, vividly explain what you want to convey the audience's idea. Next, express your argument in clear and detailed words. State the reason, that is, emphasize to the audience what benefits they will have if they do what you say.
  • Use time in life as an example
  • Here are some opening remarks that attracted me: "In 1942, I found myself lying on the hospital bed", "My wife was pouring coffee at breakfast yesterday, when", "Last July, I drove my sports car on Highway 42", "The door of my office opened suddenly, and I saw our foreman, Charlie Fan, ventured in" "I was fishing by the lake, when I looked up, I saw a motorboat coming towards me quickly". If your prologue can answer any of the "five Ws" and "one H" questions, that is, "who", "when", "where", "what", "why" and "how". You are using the oldest way of communication to attract others' attention - just like telling a story, "a long time ago", which is a magic word that arouses children's imagination. Using the same principle, you can capture the audience's mind with your own story at the beginning of your speech.
  • Let the audience understand what you expect them to do
  • Give reasons or benefits to make the audience willing to accept

How to express clearly so that the audience can fully understand

  • Limit the subject matter to match the specific time ("where")
  • Organize concepts (time, space)
  • Tell your main points in turn
  • Explain new concepts with familiar concepts and avoid using professional terms
  • Using visual instruments

When you use this kind of demonstration speech, please remember the following suggestions, which will make you greatly attract the attention of the audience:
1. Put aside the things to be displayed until they are used.
2. The display should be clear to everyone in the back row.
3. Don't pass on exhibits during the speech, which will distract the audience.
4. When displaying items, keep them upright and high. Make sure everyone can see it.
5. Dynamic display is more impressive than static display. Demonstration performance is a good way to show.
6. Don't look at the exhibits and talk. Remember that the audience you want to communicate with is not the exhibits.
7. If possible, put away the exhibits as soon as they are displayed.
8. Before using the exhibits, it is advisable to be slightly "mysterious". The exhibits can be placed on the table beside you and covered with something, which can arouse the curiosity and interest of the audience.

Persuasive speech

  • Try to get the audience's approval
  • Deliver your enthusiasm to the audience
  • Respect and love your audience

impromptu speech

  • First, practice more
  • Second, it is better to prepare for impromptu conversation at any time
  • Third, immediately enter the example stage
  • Fourth, the language is lively and powerful
  • Fifth, start from here and now (audience itself, occasion)
  • Sixth, coherence, with a central idea

Make a speech

  • Break through the cage of self-consciousness
  • Don't imitate others
  • Talk to your audience
  • Devote yourself to the speech
  • Sound is elastic


  • Prepare your speech for certification (title, qualification, name of introducer, [why choose such a topic])
  • Topic - Importance - Speaker

"For me, there are many mysterious things in the world, such as love and the persistence of bookmakers. One of them is the magic things that happen when I call.
How could you get your phone number wrong? Why do you sometimes call Chicago from New York faster than from home to another town on the other side of the mountain? Our speakers not only know the answers to these questions, but also know the answers to all other telephone related questions. For the past 20 years, his work has been to sort out all kinds of detailed information about telephones, so that this cause can be understood by outsiders. He is a director of a telephone company, and he got the title because of his hard work.
Now he wants to tell us how his company can serve us. If you have deep feelings for today's telephone service, please regard him as a benefactor. If you have been disturbed by the telephone recently, please let him be the spokesman for your reply.
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. George Webham, Vice President of New York Telephone Company, is giving a speech to you today.

"Science today" is a very serious topic. It reminds me of a story. This story is about a deranged patient who imagined that he had a cat in his body. The psychologist had to pretend to operate on him because he could not prove to the contrary. When he woke up from the anaesthetic, the doctor showed him a black cat and told him that his disease had been cured. Unexpectedly, he replied, "Sorry, doctor, the cat that has been noisy with me is gray!"
The same is true of today's science. You catch a cat called U-235, and then you catch a group of kittens. What's their name. These elements, like today's Chicago, have been defeated one by one. An ancient alchemist, who could be called the first nuclear scientist, begged God for a day's grace when he was dying so that he could find the secret of the universe and then die. Today's scientists, however, have created the secrets of the universe that have never been beyond people's dreams.
Our presenter today, who was once a professor of chemistry at the University of Chicago, the dean of Pennsylvania State College, and the director of Columbia Bader Industrial Research Institute in Ohio, understands the reality of today's science and possible future development. He once served as a scientist in the government department, and was also an editor and writer. He was born in Davenport, Iowa, and received his degree from Harvard University. He completed his training in the military factory and has traveled all over Europe. Our lecturer is also the author and editor of several science textbooks. His most famous book, Science of the Tomorrow's World, was published when he was the director of the science department of the World Expo in New York. He is a scientific adviser to such magazines as Time, Life, Fortune and Current Situation, so his interpretation of science news is widely read by the public. The Atomic Age written by our speaker came out in 1945, ten days after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. He often said "the best will come", which is true. I am proud to introduce to you, and you must be happy to hear the insights of Dr. Jerrod Wender, the chief editor of Science Illustrated. "

  • Full of enthusiasm
  • Sincerity
  • Carefully prepare the award speech

1. Explain why the award is given. It may be because of long-term loyal service, or because of winning a competition, or because of an important achievement. Just explain this.

2. It is the most interesting thing for the audience to describe the life words and deeds of the winners.
3. Tell how worthy the winner is and how passionate people are about him.
4. Congratulate the winner and convey everyone's sincere wishes for his future.

in reply

1. Say "Thank you" sincerely to the audience.
2. Give credit to the people who helped you, your colleagues, your employer, friends or family members.
3. Describe the significance of the prize or certificate to you. If it is wrapped, open it and show it. Tell the audience how useful and beautiful the prize is and how you will use it.
4. Sincerely express gratitude again, and then end it.

How to organize a long speech

  • Immediately attract attention (use examples and events to make speeches, create suspense, state an amazing fact, ask the audience to raise their hands to answer to avoid fatigue, and use exhibits)
  • Avoid adverse attention (it must not only attract the attention of the audience, but also be favorable)
  • Support the main ideas (support points should be refined, use statistics, use expert testimony, use analogies, use exhibits)
  • Request for action (summarize opinions, directly explain how to act, not in general)


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