• Discontinuous thinking

     Discontinuous thinking

    Continuous thinking is an important "tool" to predict the future, which can be summarized as the future with the laws of the past. In some cases, or the present tells the development of the present, continuous thinking will not be so accurate. So in some cases, we may have to change our perspective to "span" the discontinuity.

  • Elegant Debate (3)

     Elegant Debate (3)

    The following content is only for reference and learning, and is deleted( voidcat@163.com )6. Why does someone admit homosexuality but oppose homosexual marriage? Homosexuality is a private right to sexual life, but same-sex marriage is still controversial in law and ethics. There are many reasons against it, such as violating religious spirit and common sense

  • Elegant Debate (II)

     Elegant Debate (II)

    The following content is only for reference and learning, and is deleted( voidcat@163.com )3. Abortion: women's legitimate rights, or outright murder? Reasons for supporting abortion: if abortion is deemed illegal, it will not stop, but will be more dangerous; At the time of abortion, the fetus was not alone, but the mother of the fetus was

  • Elegant Debate (I)

     Elegant Debate (I)

    The following content is only for reference. Please contact me if there is infringement, and I will delete it as soon as possible( voidcat@163.com )1. Guide: In modern society, the first thing to learn is to fight. Chinese people can't even fight. We quarreled with each other. It was often you who pulled my hair and I pulled your pants to fight it for 300 rounds in the street

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