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Webmaster Tools Alexa Rank Ranking list of Chinese websites

Top 50 websites in China

China's Alexa Top 50 ranking is an official Alexa ranking service column, which collects many well-known websites in China's top rankings and is an authoritative ranking list of Chinese websites.

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About Alexa

Provide Chinese website alexa ranking query, website traffic query, website visits query, website page views query services.

Alexa Query Description

Alexa updates data: The website data of the previous day is updated at 12:00 every day, and the deadline for updating is 12:00 the next day.

Number of queries: During the alexa update period, the first query of domain names is valid once, and repeated queries of queried domain names are not included in the statistics. In the alexa user center, users can directly request to query the latest alexa data.

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