- Alexa ranking comprehensive information

    Alexa Rank
    • Global ranking: 53,109
    • National ranking: 16,634
    • Estimated daily average IP ≈6000
    • Estimated daily average PV ≈18000
    SEO Information
    • Outbound link: one hundred and seventy-six
    • Home inner link: one hundred and sixty-eight
    Website Information
    • Access speed: 785 Ms/84 points
    • Coding method: GB2312
    • Country: ZH-CN
    • Directory: Shandong/Dongying
    • Introduction: Overview of the area and its economy, investment information, tourist guide and location and county maps.
    Comprehensive ranking Current ranking Change trend Weekly ranking Change trend Ranking in January Change trend March ranking Change trend
    53,109 thirty-six thousand and seventy-two - sixty-seven thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine forty-two thousand three hundred and twenty-two eighty-five thousand one hundred and eighty-one thirty-three thousand seven hundred and forty-nine fifty-three thousand one hundred and nine fifteen thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven

    Estimated website traffic

    The website IP&PV values are estimated according to the alexa ranking statistics. The following data are for reference only

    Percentage of visited sub sites/page views per capita

    Accessed subweb Page access ratio in recent months Percentage of website visits in recent months Page views per capita 26.33% 57.49% two
    OTHER 73.69% 0% zero

    Country/region ranking and visit proportion of the website

    Country/region name Page browsing scale Country Ranking Percentage of visitors
    China 100% 16,634 100%

    Alexa ranking trend

    • Global ranking: 53,109
    • Compared with the previous three months: fifteen thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven

    Alexa search traffic ranking

    • Search access: 14.3%
    • Compared with the previous three months: 27.2%
    This station
    *Average search traffic percentage of competitors at this site