All day intelligence - big data visualization solution for smart community

One stop community population base, police security, face recognition video access control, community monitoring and other multi-party data visualization solutions
Price including tax:
¥35000 - 65000 /Set

Please consult with the service provider for the specific price

Product specification:
Delivery instructions:
Manual delivery Confirm on demand
Invoicing information:
Support the issuance of ordinary VAT invoices (non deductible)
Service guarantee:
Warranty period: 1 year
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Product highlights
1. Rich BI tool support, Real time big data visual generation and analysis to quickly control traffic changes in the community
2. Abundant AI vision technology to manage community personnel through face recognition, image recognition, etc
3. Independent research and development of core algorithms, tool based and modular platform architecture
4. Applicable to security monitoring, housing management, equipment maintenance, data interconnection and other rich scenarios
5. Compatible with various data display devices, bringing a new experience
Product description

Application scenarios
Price description
Commodity specifications Quantity/duration Price including tax
Solution 1 set ¥35000-65000
consultation Once ¥29
after-sale service
Invoice Information
Support the issuance of ordinary VAT invoices (non deductible)
Service guarantee
Warranty period: 1 year
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