Shanghai Yuchen Supply Chain Co., Ltd
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  • I want to send powdered reagent to Poland for international freight logistics

    Source: Shanghai Yuchen Supply Chain Co., Ltd Time: 2024-07-03 12:20:10 [Report]

    road transport
    Highway transportation is the main mode of domestic and domestic short distance cargo transportation, and also an important part of connecting other transportation modes (such as sea transportation, railway and air transportation). The main types of goods transported by road include bulk goods and container goods.

    The advantages of highway transportation include:

    1. The provider of road transport has high flexibility, economy and efficiency, and is usually suitable for fast and small goods.

    2. Wide accessibility: road transport has a wide range of services, and commercial and manufacturing industries can always find carriers to meet their good needs.

    Highway transportation also has some disadvantages:

    1. Common traffic jams: In areas with high density traffic, highway transportation may be affected by common traffic jams, and transportation efficiency will decline.

    2. Safety: Compared with other transportation modes, highway transportation has certain safety risks due to traffic jam and high intensity.

    Shanghai International Logistics means that goods are shipped from Shanghai Port to ports around the world. Shanghai Port is one of the largest ports in China, including Yangshan Port and Outer Port. International logistics is also known as international express. All goods within the scope allowed by international laws can be imported and exported through international logistics, such as dangerous goods, chemicals, frozen goods
    In short, international logistics is the transport link between countries and one of the conditions for national trade. The ancient Silk Road in China effectively proved the importance of international logistics. It is the standard of a country's prosperity. Shanghai international logistics is the lifeblood of the country's foreign trade economy, which will lead the international economy to another peak

    The major feature of international logistics is that logistics crosses national boundaries and logistics activities are carried out between different countries. Therefore, the existence and development of international logistics can promote the reasonable flow of goods around the world, making the flow route of international goods or commodities better, the circulation cost lower, the service better and the benefit higher. At the same time, thanks to the support of international information systems and the exchange of materials in various regions of the world, international logistics can promote the development of the world economy through the rational organization of logistics, improve international friendly exchanges, and thus promote the sound development of the international political and economic pattern, so as to promote the material culture and spiritual culture of the entire human being towards peace Stable and more civilized development

    Label: international logistics, international express, freight forwarder, international freight forwarder

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  • Shanghai Yuchen Supply Chain Co., Ltd
  • Mobile phone has been certified
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    Checked by Tianyan
  • 2 days
  • Shanghai Yuchen Supply Chain
  • private partnership
  • 2017-12-01
  • Import and export agency, goods import and export, goods transportation,
  • Shanghai Fengxian No. 5, Nanhong Road, Fengxian District, Shanghai

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Zhou Lei


twenty-five million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand and sixty-five

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Name: Shanghai Yuchen Supply Chain Co., Ltd
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Address: No. 5, Nanhong Road, Fengxian District, Shanghai
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Import and export agent, goods import and export, goods transportation, freight special line

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