

early stage

August 18, 2013

What wap forums were popular in those years, such as black league, black wing, black base, depth (the forum I played later), home-made or mrp (bubbling platform), smart machines were just emerging, and Colin's website was also very popular. I also opened the door to the new world from the first home-made machine. Somehow later, I fell in love with blog. I still used emlog, and a lot of data is still on the online disk.

The in-depth webmaster (ace) also sponsored a server and secondary domain name (qqsky. 3gaitar. com) of mine, which was initially used to set up a hang q network. At that time, there were few mobile phones in high school, and they wanted to upgrade something. Later, I started to build a blog. I also started my blog journey in earnest, although I had played typecho and wordpress before (free hosts were popular at the beginning, and the host companies were easy to run (wxys. 555x. ml), and there was no data when running).


WeChat Community

January 1, 2014

WeChat News Agency probably originated from microblog, originated from the bright moon of Qin Dynasty, so we got together, and then gradually drifted away. Today, Tencent microblog is closed, copied data, and opened with full memories. My WeChat community has also changed from qq to WeChat. A circle of people may not remember their dreams at that time, but they also play games and talk about life together occasionally.

Yimeng blog

January 24, 2014

At that time, I bought my own domain name (bswxys. com) and host (which should be Hong Kong), and built my own blog based on emlog, which was also my home. At that time, I probably didn't need ICP filing or online security filing. At the same time, we began to explore typecho, because there are related methods to transfer emlog data into typecho.

My domain name

June 22, 2014

I didn't know why I registered a domain name at that time. Maybe the post-90s Zimu is! It was later redeemed, and then bought back in 2019. It's really happy to get it back.

Stop and run

September 28, 2014

About four times, they were packed in the whole station and then dropped into the attachment of mailbox 163. The first time was 2014/09/28, the second time was 2015/02/11, and the third time was 2015/09/03. At that time, I probably wanted to keep some memory. Until now, I seldom restore data or download to see what I wrote. Memory may stay somewhere along the river of time, rather than trying to find it back.


Addicted to animation

May 21, 2015

I probably can't remember the detailed time point. I can only remember what I did in that period of time through qq space. I was probably in high school in 2015, and I met a lot of people. Some people are still in contact now, and some people have already disappeared in the crowd. I remember that at that time, I didn't study well, and I liked watching the cartoon "Sunset's Basketball", "Inuyasha", "Qin Ming Moon", "Vampire Knight", "Tokyo Yuzu" and the works of Shin Hai Shing.


Failing the college entrance examination and participating in the re study

July 4, 2016

Life without re education is incomplete. Thanks for meeting many interesting and right people this year, especially my elder sister, who likes her so much. Really super invincible gentle, love you. In senior year, I also confessed to the girl I like, but she said let me study hard and go farther. You never know that when I like a person, all his goals are related to you. His distance is only your city at most.

Of course, I also went to a distant place and lived on Hainan Island for four years.


Set sail again

October 2, 2017

After registering the domain name of, don't ask me why it is top, because it only costs 7 yuan in the first year. I recovered some emlog data and was very happy. Later, I gave up because the space service provider ran away.


one 's way home

January 29, 2018

I bought a ticket from Haikou to Guangzhou, and some students from Guangzhou took me to play. I went to the King of the Western Han Dynasty Museum in Yuexiu District and wrote a message, "I came to your city."

Redemption of domain name

December 26, 2018

By chance, I was surprised to find that the domain name was still there, so I redeemed it, and then started the blog journey of typecho. Later, I also entered the student machine of Huawei Cloud. The annual operation and maintenance cost of the website is about 300 RMB.



October 29, 2019

He was found to have pneumothorax and stayed in the hospital alone for three days. On June 27, 2020, another patient stayed in the hospital for seven days because of a relapse. Take good care of your body. The body is the first.


Another hospitalization

June 27, 2020

Another patient stayed in the hospital for seven days because of the recurrence of illness. Take good care of your body. The body is the first.



June 9, 2021

I left the island where I had lived for four years, my friends in college, and went home with the people I liked. We parted at Wuhan Station and were ready to express our feelings until you left without saying "like". When I got on the high-speed train home, I showed my heart to you. Super invincible likes you, just like Shuishisi likes Ella, Rentai likes Mianma, and Naisha likes Yosuke. I can't tell what kind of love such a love is. Maybe it's true friendship like you said! Maybe it's just my wishful thinking! I really hope you will meet very good people in the future. If I look back, I will probably stand still and wait for you!

Postgraduate study

September 4, 2021

I went to the new city to report, and got to know the senior brothers and sisters, as well as a group of classmates.



April 29, 2022

I played badminton for the first time. Although I played doubles, I was very happy.

field operation

May 13, 2022

The beginning of field work in Enshi, Yichang and other regions also witnessed different customs.

Infection of new crown

December 25, 2022

It was hard for five days.


First aid training

March 12, 2023

Become a junior trainer.

Blood donation

March 18, 2023

The first blood donation is 400ml.

Undersea salvage

May 19, 2023

It's the first time to eat benthic fish.

wedding invitation

July 14, 2023

It's the first time to receive a friend's wedding invitation.

disco dancing

December 29, 2023

It's the first time to dance with younger martial brothers and sisters.


December 29, 2023

It's the first time to visit Changsha.


What will happen in the future? Maybe only by working hard can we know!