Useless knowledge has increased

1. White acne should be better with retinoic acid ointment

I have a white pimple on my eye corner and haven't recovered for several months. The students all said that it was useless to apply erythromycin ointment, but they recovered after using retinoic acid ointment for about a week. However, during this period, the corners of the eyes were sore, and the red marks were obvious. It returned to normal after drug withdrawal.

Erythromycin ointment has a good effect on red acne on the face.

2. Zotero User Guide

Frequently clicking the left mouse button is a little tenosynovitis Frequently clicking the left mouse button is a little tenosynovitis. The blind review expert of the big paper said that the format of the reference was wrong, laughing. The school doesn't have a unified format, so we still need a format here. To be honest, I think few experts can say the specific requirements of GBT7714-2015. The database needs to be migrated from Endnote to Zotero. Some problems were encountered in the process, such as the split of the Chinese name of the document, language problems, the format of the reference, HowNet capture problems, and some practical plug-ins were also found.

I just changed into tenosynovitis when I input frequently. Any mechanical repetitive work can be optimized by program or other methods. Although the repetitive mechanical steps belong to "artificial intelligence" in a sense, I think they are very stupid operations in the information age today. It is precisely because of such stupidity that my right index finger hurts.

Information that may be useful.

Zotero official website:

Zotero Encyclopedia:


Format of issue without volume number:

The issue should be (7) instead of (07):

√ [5] Wu Lili, Hua Yixin, Zhang Yajun, etc Design and Implementation of "Beidou-1" Monitoring Management Network [J] Surveying and Mapping Science, 2008, 33( five ): 8-9.

× [5] Wu Lili, Hua Yixin, Zhang Yajun, etc Design and Implementation of "Beidou-1" Monitoring Management Network [J] Surveying and Mapping Science, 2008, 33 (05): 8-9

I guess the blind trial experts do not know that the world is a grass team, and everyone is a jerk.

Plug in: Better Notes, Jasmine, Linter

For other purposes, subscribe to the rss of blog friends, which is easy to use.

3. Treatment of tenosynovitis

For a good mouse, it is better to conform to ergonomics. If it is not feasible, take a good rest. I'm thinking about whether I should practice left-handed typing. My left hand covers the whole keyboard, but I'm used to typing with my index finger, so it's hard to change to left-handed typing.

I bought a tendon and bone patch, cut it into a small section and stuck it on the joint, which seems to have some effect.

The body grows old before the man grows old. Inflammation, gastroenteric disease, prostate disease (drinking a can of beer will frequently go to the toilet)? The bladder doesn't work? Kidney is not good? Individual differences? Upward movement of hairline caused by staying up late? A pimple on your face? The skin is dull. and so on!

4. Problems encountered in Word

What is the meaning of "level to display in library" in multi-level list?

It seems that the currently selected text or paragraph is randomly modified to other levels, and I really don't understand the explanation of others.

The above connection seems reasonable, but I don't understand what it is.

Find one that is similar to my understanding.

"Level to be displayed in the library" is set to Level 1 , which is the level corresponding to the content selected in this article.

To be honest, most of today's graduate students can't understand the three piece office suite.

Another point is that when you indent the title and text of a multi-level list on the left, hanging indents will be automatically added. I don't know what this logic is.

5. Modify the default position of the style list in word

Start - Style - Manage Style - Recommended

6. Turtles are carnivores 🐢 vs🦞

I picked up a crawfish downstairs in the dormitory and took it to the dormitory to make friends with Tortoise.

The two men had a fight. The shrimp broke a pair of pliers, and the turtle ate the shrimp.

My roommate said that I was the living hell, but I just found a friend for the tortoise.

In Chinese, the roommate changed the water for the tortoise and poured the lobster into the toilet.

My roommate took my only pair of chopsticks to save the lobster. Unfortunately, the chopsticks are not long enough, so we should use those long chopsticks for hot pot.

I said, you are also the living hell king. There's no need to save it. You can send it for a ride. Press the flush button. My roommate said that shrimp is also alive, good, good. That's not what you said when you ate braised shrimp.

7. I saw a facial expression package yesterday, and I became a fool with a funny smile.

Guess who I am? Xiaoyu? I made a gif myself, hahaha!

and so on.

Octopus butterfly, sponge hadron, calf Page, Niu Tutu, no more, no more laughter.

All right, that's it! Recently preparing for defense( 💩)ppt, Defense( 💩) Thesis.

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Reprint: Please indicate the original link for reprint- Useless knowledge has increased

Clear, bright and elegant, I would like to take this as a navigation mark on the road of life!