I like you, but only until

The boy taught me to grow; That girl taught me love.
They once appeared in my life, and then disappeared.
However, I don't believe they are angels. They are the most common boys and girls in the world,
So I have been standing under the camphor tree waiting,
Because I believe that one day they will come back to me and teach me more things.
——Guo Jingming's Before the Summer Solstice


I have long wanted to write something about love, romance and love. Those girls who once appeared taught me how to grow up, or maybe they left me a regret. This article is about a girl I have loved for four years as an undergraduate. Sometimes I feel hypocritical, but the happiest thing to write is to express my feelings, not others.

First sight

First seen in a group of English classes, undergraduate English will have a separate exam. We are very lucky to be assigned to the same class (the average level of ABCD can be considered as Grade B) and the same group. We introduced where we came from. After I learned about your hometown, I will care about things about you, such as the distance between my home and your home (the distance between two cities). I can't remember the clothes you wear. I just think why there are such lovely girls in the world, especially the feeling that your hands are hidden in your sleeves. The girl who falls in love at first sight will like it for a long time. Since then, I want to know more about you.

Small mood

Every English class I am super invincible happy because I can see you. I don't have two classes a week. I wish it were English every day! I may not like English, but like you! I still remember when I came into the classroom after smoking, you sent a message saying that smoking was bad. I seem to be more moved (self) to the girls who advise me to smoke. I think you are really kind to me. I also secretly wrote about my love for you, and then made a blog, and later (at the end of last year) sent it to you to see how embarrassed you are. At that time, I really liked you very much. I was serious and counseled you. Now, why not!

Every time you exchange English compositions at the front and back table, you say that you write poorly. Don't mind. I say it doesn't matter. From the English group work to the later class division, we are no longer in the same class. Every time I always go to the corridor next to your classroom at recess, hoping to have the opportunity to see you. I always try to chat with you. I know everything about you. Try every means to inquire about the course, and ask your classmates to get the timetable in advance every semester. Your class schedule is always stored in my mobile phone, and I will think about what you are having in class! Can I see you at dinner or after school? When will I be happy all day.

If I saw you on the way, I would be happy all day. Go back to the dormitory and say to your roommates, guess who I met today? The girl I like! She is still super beautiful today. What clothes to wear, who to walk with, what to hold in her hand, what to discuss, I seem to have acquired some treasure. Chat with you, I will inquire about your hobbies and write down your birthday. Birthday or Christmas, will give you gifts. There are apples every Christmas. I don't care about western festivals or any mess. I only care. I want to send you apples. I hope you will be happy. And the Mid Autumn Festival, which seems to be an excuse for me to meet you. Four years seems to be an apple for Christmas four times. I know you don't like falling in love. Of course, it's also good to be friends, chatting occasionally and not chatting occasionally.


Remember carefully, remember what you said, remember the time together.

Once, you sprained your foot at the sports meeting and studied in the library. I am the monitor and am busy taking care of the sports meeting. You are practicing EXCEL, I will help you. You are wearing green clothes, standing beside. I am really super happy to be in the same space with you.

Once, I always sent you a gift when you were sleeping. You went downstairs in your pajamas. Then wait for me next to the artificial lake. There are too many mosquitoes. At that time, you also liked xwz and played the little game he endorsed. After I gave the gift, we chatted together casually, staring at the lake in front of us. In the night, the dim light of the street lamp reflected on your face, and I would be happy to see you secretly for a whole night. The front door of the girls' dormitory is the place I am most impressed with, the place where I send gifts every time. Sometimes you wait for me, sometimes I wait for you.

Once, I said that I wanted to take a walk on the playground, so you went to the playground and walked with me. After walking around and around, I talked about things. I didn't feel tired.

Once, you said you were unhappy on the playground. I immediately ran from the dormitory to the playground. What a coincidence! I was also on the playground! We finally leaned against the railing and looked at the distant night. It was cloudy, but it was beautiful!

Another time, we went to see the movie (I asked you) Ice and Snow 2. We rode a tram to the city, and we ate KFC. When you went back to school, your hair slapped my cheek when you rode your bike. Occasionally, the helmets collided with each other. You said I drove very steadily! I just smiled. I was not afraid. I grabbed the iron frame behind me while talking.

When I went home in my freshman year, I bought Guangzhou as my first stop. I also went to Guangzhou What Yue Museum It seems that I left a message in the museum saying: I have been to your city. Later, it seems that I passed through Guangzhou several times, and I also went from Guangzhou to Haikou with you once. After getting off the train, we carpooled to the school together. That was my most unhappy experience (the taxi hailing master was really a dog). I would rather take a bus instead of carpooling.

When we took the postgraduate entrance examination, we worked hard together. Every day when I see you across from me, I am super happy. In fact, I secretly want to be admitted to the school in Guangzhou. Is that closer to you! We go to dinner together, study together, and look at you when we are tired. You always sleep on the table during lunch break, and I occasionally ask you questions about high mathematics. It's probably my happiest time to go back to the dormitory together every night. Sometimes you walk on your own without waiting for me, and I follow you. I can't keep up, so I left on my own. I sometimes have small emotions, but you don't know. At last, I sent you a book called "One Man's Pilgrimage", two books in total. I'm watching the first one now (the second one was finished last year). When Hadro's journey is over, I think my journey will start again.

Many times later, I wanted to go to school with you. I would look forward to it and be happy with you. Including the last time, we also went to Wuhan together. Hankou Station should be the place where we separated. I didn't say "I like you" after all, but I took a photo and sent it to you. Although two plans were prepared at that time (I told you about PlanA before you passed the security check; PlanB sent you the small paper written in advance), they were missed finally. I send a message to tell you that I like you so much! After a long time you replied to me: I like you too. Very happy, very happy, happy to tears. Just looking at the scenery outside the window, I am getting farther and farther away from you and closer to home. One year after graduation today, we have never met again.

I will always remember that on the way to the airport that day, the rainstorm poured down, and the road outside the station was flooded more than half. We also missed the bus to the airport. Finally, I changed to the next flight. Later, I never experienced the rain as heavy as that day. If I did, I would not have your company. On the bus, you handed me the handle ring. I said I did, just like yours, but I didn't wear it. I am really a fool. If I followed the bracelet, would we have more stories! Will I say that I like it when I leave!


You went to Tianjin to work, and I went to Hubei to study. We occasionally chat, you will send me food and gifts, mugs, wine, bread. I also gave you a small meatball. I don't know whether you like it or not. I would like to share all the interesting things in my life with you. You only share occasionally. Maybe the happiest time for me is when you ask me about the computer (office software, office, adobe). I also think it's very happy to be needed, especially by you. Of course, there will be ten and a half days without a word. Our biggest tacit understanding is that sometimes if you don't talk to me, I won't disturb you.

You don't know that every time I send you a large paragraph of text, you just a few words. Or a "um", I think I am a clown. A stem flashed in my mind, "It would be impolite to disturb again". The only contact we have is probably that I borrowed your 3K last month. I am really a poor student! Remember that you said you wanted to become a rich woman. You said that you would buy a car with a high chassis in the future. Please continue to refuel! Recently, you said that you were going to Shenzhen for a job transfer, which was very good. I said that I had a blind date recently, but the ID photo was still issued. You said, "No full picture, no comment". I just shared my recent mood and looked forward to your reply, even if it was just about the other person.

I think I can also go to Guangzhou for the blog exam. Of course, I have no intention to read the blog at present.

Maybe we are not at the same stage and can't feel the same. You have your busy work, I have my academic pressure, that's all. You said you didn't want to fall in love, and I said I wasn't worried. However, I should also let go of my love for you, work hard to graduate, and then work hard to meet more romantic and suitable people.

Our only group photo

When you are on the other side of the mountain

I have no end on the lonely road

How many things are too late in a lifetime

Found it lost

The most important thing

——Missing is a Disease

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Reprint: Please indicate the original link for reprint- I like you, but only until

Clear, bright and elegant, I would like to take this as a navigation mark on the road of life!