
Gender: Male (single student?)

Age: Post 90s( 20+ Just after 18 years)

education: Master's degree (agronomy related)

16 personalities: INFJ(-A or -T)


  • Extensive, including but not limited to blogging.
  • Write a public account, send a letter, cut flowers (cross out), date with the Earth, go to see flowers, chase fans, watch Japanese dramas (cross out).
  • Mobile game enthusiasts are currently playing King's Glory and Encounter (crossed out).
  • Bioinformatics (transcriptome related), calligraphy practice (crossed out), preparing for CET-6.
  • A little knowledge of R, GIS, Python, front-end (html, js, css).

Main experience

  • Completed preschool education, junior high school and senior high school in Henan.
  • Completed undergraduate studies in Hainan.
  • At present, I am a postgraduate in a university in Hubei.
  • The job is pending, and the job is being applied.

Blog Type

  • Life records are the main part, and learning records are the auxiliary part.
  • Sometimes he is cynical, but he loves his country.
  • Occasionally, I will toss about some messy things.

Motto of life

  • Live well and love well, then it will be meaningful!
  • Clear, bright and elegant, I would like to take this as a navigation mark on the road of life!
  • Like a beautiful world, like beautiful things, like sincere people, like to work hard!

contact information:

(To be continued)...