Qinhuangdao Jiajie Trading Co., Ltd
Product Information
Supply information
contact information
full name: Zhao Jie
mobile phone: fifteen billion one hundred and twenty-eight million five hundred and one thousand nine hundred and nineteen
Telephone: 0335-3512055
Business QQ: two hundred and seventy-eight million six hundred and seventy-six thousand nine hundred and forty-four
Company address: F7-811 Oriental Pearl City, Haigang District, Qinhuangdao City
Main business: Artificial lawn, plastic track, fitness equipment, kindergarten teaching aids, environmental sanitation supplies
Company Profile

Qinhuangdao Jiajie Trading Co., Ltd., founded in 2010, is a company selling sports goods, environmental sanitation products and preschool education toys. The main products are: artificial turf series; Plastic runway series; Floor paint series; Fitness equipment series; Trash bin series; Football equipment series; Venue seat series, etc.