Current location: 7723 mobile game network Game classification Run away! juvenile

 Run away! juvenile

Run away! juvenile


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Make up phrases

Crayon small new graffiti 4v1/8v2 mode comes

The game has been updated on May 29, with the main updated contents: dynamic superman, doghouse online, free customization activity of Aike linked fashion online, and the second phase of the seven day gift of Xiaoxin opened - a list of updated contents

Run away! Children's game pictures

 Run away! Juvenile game screen

 Run away! Juvenile game screen

 Run away! Juvenile game screen

 Run away! Juvenile game screen

 Run away! Juvenile game screen

online sports existence Cartoon Asymmetric competition Version 7723 Crush friendship science fiction

"Run away! Teenager" is a leisure competitive game of asymmetric confrontation. In the game, you can play one of the "escapers" and fight against the "pursuers" in various ways. Through team cooperation and secret operations, the escape door was finally opened to escape. You can also play the role of "pursuer" to fight wits with "escapees" and prevent them from escaping. You will experience the escape experience of danger, and you can also experience the thrilling and intense confrontation fun!

Run away! Youth updates

1、 4v1/8v2 newly added linkage play method 1. Add [Crayon New Graffiti 4v1] mode in 4v1 map option! 2. In the graffiti 4v1 and graffiti 8v2 game, in addition to the original crayon mini new cardboard car, crayon mini new morpher, dynamic superman morpher, and graffiti coloring board, this time there are also new dynamic superman and gold coin filled dog kennels that will take you to fly! 2、 New play of treasury attack and defense - clone mode Rebirth... I have two identical teammates?! After the matching is successful, you need to vote to select the role you want to use. After the voting time is over, one of the roles selected by your team will be randomly selected as the role of all your teenagers. Triple skill, triple happiness! 3、 Return of entertainment 1. The game of snatching gold coins has increased the prop cards and weapon cards dropped in the game. This time, there is not only fighting, but also running away with Laoliu! 2. Jungle 8v2 and Beach 8v2 are open again. What new fun can the old play method inspire in the current version? Come and explore~ 4、 Xiaoxin's linkage gift 1. Free customization of Aike linkage fashion During the activity, players can get inspiration by completing the task, and use inspiration to unlock the permanent fashion pieces of Aike. After all five pieces are unlocked, they will get a permanent suit - Fighting Girl · Graffiti Fist suit (rare). 2. Sign in on the seventh day and send a picture box to a handsome young man, Xiao Xin!

Run away! Information about teenagers

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Yue ICP Bei 16056668-2A

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Run away! Introduction to Youth


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Game classification

  1. MOD game
  2. Book Games
  3. Genuine game
  4. Simulator Game
  5. UP resource game
  6. Accelerated game
  7. UP resource software
  8. H5 online games
  9. Abnormal game
  10. Genuine stand-alone
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