Zblog pushes Baidu plug-ins in batches

Zblog pushes Baidu plug-ins in batch, and articles can be pushed to Baidu in batch with one click. You can also push classification and label pages in batch!

Application: ZblogPHP

Price: zero sixty-six point eight eight
Related introduction A

Due to the needs of my blog, I have unearthed a plug-in that developer Mochu wrote before and pushed to Baidu in batches. After a little modification, it can run perfectly and be released to everyone for free!

Plug in function:

1. You can manually push the URL of articles, categories and labels to Baidu in batch.

2. When the background article editor submits, it can be automatically pushed to Baidu

3. Add automatic push function for visitor access.

4. Match the API pushed by Baidu with the local website

Plug in screenshot

 Zblog push to Baidu plugin

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