Zblog forcibly closes the feed content output plug-in

Close the output of zblogPHP feed, and you can set its page to 404 pages, or 301 or 302 to the specified page!

Application: ZblogPHP

Price: eight point eight eight eighteen point eight eight
Related introduction A

Zblog comes with the function of feed content output. You can see it by visiting the feed.php in your root directory, but many collectors will also use this function to crawl the content of the website.

This plug-in can disable the feed. php output without deleting the feed. php file.

Plug in function:

1. Disable feed content output

2. You can display the feed.php page as a 404 page, or call the 404 file of the theme

3. You can set feed.php to jump to any page, and you can set 301 or 302 status codes

Plug in screenshot

 Zblog free plug-in, zblog feed output prohibited

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