Is it better to wrap the roving pressing palm for two times or for three times?
 Is it better to wrap the roving pressing palm for two times or for three times? Learning materials

Is it better to wrap the roving pressing palm for two times or for three times?

The specific number of palm pressing passes is two or three, depending on the specific situation. The overall number of palm pressing passes is three passes of roving yarn with flat yarn surface, beautiful appearance, slightly high tension, which can straighten some hooked fibers to a certain extent, and can appropriately increase the package capacity. There is not much difference in quality indicators.
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 Complete version of "secret collection" of pickles Learning materials

Complete version of "secret collection" of pickles

Aestheticism is worth living up to. After reading the article about the sprouting of pickled cabbage on the public account of People's Daily Online, I recorded the method and steps of pickled cabbage: 1 Selection of raw materials: all fresh vegetables with tight tissue, crisp and tender texture, fat meat and not easy to soften can be used as raw materials for pickles. Such as radish, lettuce, Chinese cabbage, green pepper, etc& n...