Happy Mid Autumn Festival

Today is a traditional Chinese festival - Mid Autumn Festival

However, I was abandoned in Guangzhou and spent the Mid Autumn Festival alone. Last year, I was also in Guangzhou alone.

It seems that I am used to this kind of festival.

 Happy Mid Autumn Festival

I wish everyone a happy Mid Autumn Festival!

Today's weather is really changeable. It's sunny in the morning, moderate to heavy rain in the afternoon, and light rain in the evening. Whether the moon can be seen is still unknown.

After watching the news this morning, Fujian was hit by a typhoon and was in a mess. Can they still enjoy the Mid Autumn Festival safely? Come on, Fujian people!

Blog return plan

This time, I really want to go back to China. The host computer was bought yesterday. Two years of money will take three years. Why not? In these days, saving money is making money. Don't tell me about cloud service. Cloud service is also a waste of resources, just enough.

The static files are put in seven cows, and the pictures are put in clouds. Although some people feedback that my picture has a problem, I can't solve it by taking cloud pictures again.

And to be honest, the CDN of cloud photography has been done very well.

After returning to China, they will continue to hang the ads of Baidu Alliance. There is no reason to give them to Baidu for nothing.

Then use the secondary domain name of the blog for static files and pictures, which is professional and powerful.

Next, when you submit for filing, you may not be able to access, so that you can quickly pass the filing.


see Mid-autumn Festival vacation Related articles for

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Comment list (11)

  1. reply Wildcat Wildcat

    Didn't talk about anything special. It's better to stay at home. The delay is low~
    When is the last https

    1. Https is not considered for the time being... After all, only the virtual host (without independent IP) is used

      1. reply Wildcat Wildcat

        A can also be used if the IP address is not independent

  2. It's not free to shoot clouds again

    1. I have recharged 10 yuan for so many years, but less than

  3. reply Xiaoluo Xiaoluo

    Why didn't you change the domain name after filing

    1. All decisions are temporary, and domestic hosts are considered because of promotions.
      It doesn't matter if the website is closed. It's not a commercial site

  4. It felt like I was the only one who transferred the picture to Baidu Yunbaa

    1. Baidu Cloud is also OK. I have used Baidu Cloud before

  5. Happy holidays

    1. Uncle, it's still early. There are 9 days left. Don't worry.

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