Overtime for project

People who have worked on projects may more or less work overtime. Yes, the project is required to complete certain functions within a certain time. Sometimes the project time is insufficient to develop the functions required by the project, so it can only be solved by working overtime. Of course, not only the function development, but also the early demand research and demand analysis need a certain time.

Therefore, once the project is done, it is as deep as the sea, and you want to vomit blood after working overtime.

I moved to another place to work in the middle of the year. The new company is related to the e-commerce industry, so I won't disclose too much here. Originally, it was to build its own platform, operation and productization. Not long ago, the boss of the company took over a project. At the beginning of the nightmare, he went to the customer's side to investigate the needs, come back for analysis, make various plans, and prepare various documents. Then he went to the site later.

 Overtime for project

When I went to the customer's site, I worked overtime again. When I worked overtime in the company, I could say that I could take a little rest the next day. But when I went to the customer's side, the customer's people didn't take a rest. You, as Party B, were too shy to take a rest and didn't go to work? Usually, we are used to being idle. When we go there, we will be a little uncomfortable.

I dare to pat my chest and say, at least I am not such a person.

However, I learned a lot from the project. Overtime for the project is not for nothing, although the company's overtime allowance may not be in place.

To be honest, so far, I don't know which company will be very transparent in the calculation of overtime pay. However, being a man is just a muddle. Don't worry too much about it.

Because, seriously, you will lose!


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Comment list (5)

  1. reply Xiaoluo Xiaoluo

    Just be content. I've been working overtime for years

    1. Don't you get a lot of overtime pay

  2. Seriously, you will lose!

  3. You've had a long day. As long as the effort can be rewarded, it is still worth it. The world is hard now!

    1. Don't worry about too much, you can comfort yourself, otherwise you will feel uncomfortable

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