Praise the household registration management system of the Qing Dynasty

Today, I'm not allowed to praise the household registration management system of the next dynasty. It's too superior, too damn! Everywhere you go, you can either transfer your household registration, or apply for certificates, or apply for ID cards. No, I just realized the superiority of the household registration management system of the Chinese government~

Strong praise, Nima! When I came to Guangzhou in 2005, I moved my registered permanent residence out of my hometown. I thought I would have the opportunity to find a public institution or something after graduation. But four years later, I still find a job in a private company. Of course, it doesn't use the relationship of household registration, so these are handled by yourself.

I don't want to spend money to attach my account to the talent market. If something happens, it will be troublesome! So it was still in 2009 that I struggled to get my hukou back to my hometown. At that time, when he was in school, he applied for a second-generation ID card, which was also used all the time. Before that, he applied for a second-generation ID card.

My father told me a few days ago that the * * * in the village came to him and said that I didn't need to apply for an ID card, so I need to apply as soon as possible. My ID card has to be handled again. It's really an awesome system...

Well, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. I just need to take a picture sometime, and then send it back to my hometown. Then let my father help me with it.

Cao Dan's China, your system is too superior, very good!

 Household registration management


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Comment list (11)

  1. Too busy to watch my friend's blog...

    1. Come often when you have time~~

  2. With the support of this, friends should exchange visits for a long time

  3. I don't even know that word

  4. I'd better accept my fate.

  5. Thanks for sharing and learning.

  6. The household registration system is the culprit hindering China's progress

    1. With Chinese characteristics, adhere to the basic line unswervingly

  7. Alas, I am the same, very similar to the blogger. When I graduated, I moved to the company and put it under the collective account. It took me a long time to change my job. Not long ago, I moved home. It took me half a year to move.

    1. Yeah, it's a lot of trouble, so it's basically nothing. Don't change your account

  8. reply aknife aknife

    It's better to stay at home and work...

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