Grey Wolf Blog and Alivv

This time, for the sake of selling links, I was speechless. Now I have to talk about this matter in order to prevent more people from encountering this kind of thing and don't know how to solve it.

It's like this. One day, I didn't want to see the name alivv on someone's blog, so I searched this website. When I saw someone's introduction, I said that I could sell links. It's strange that I was overwhelmed by the money, so I went to alivv to register an account and started selling links. So it was amazing. Within a few days, there was an order. The price on my home page was 15 dollars, OK. Since someone bought it, I hung it up. The first transaction was on April 8, so once it arrived on May 8, I would certainly go to collect the money. The application was received on the 9th, and it was very successful. It should be noted here that 20% of the service charge will be deducted from the price, while 10% will be deducted from alimama. I feel distressed~~~

From the second month, it was said that Alipay would charge an additional service fee, and a service fee of 1 yuan would be deducted for those below 50 yuan, so that the actual amount would be only 15 * 80% - 1=11 yuan, which is so outrageous~~OK, I am greedy for money. In order to save that 1 yuan, I will not withdraw the money from May 8 to June 8 for the time being and accumulate it to the next month. From June 8 to July 8, at this time, I thought the account number was 22 yuan, and I was about to withdraw money, but the account number was only 15 yuan (20% of the service charge has not been deducted, and the service charge of Alipay was 1 yuan). I wondered, I still had the money of last month, didn't I? I felt something was wrong, so on July 10, I canceled the continued sale (the buyer has renewed the fee to August 8). According to our thinking, it should be one month before July 8, and I can withdraw cash, but at this time I cannot withdraw cash for one month before July 8~~~

Why on earth is this? Why deduct my money for one month? After waiting hard for a month, they were all detained. What's left? Now I have a series of doubts about alivv!

I didn't want to write it, but after so many days, the customer service is not online, and no one asked. Customer service is not online for 24 hours. What kind of customer service is that?

Ok, let's take a screenshot of alivv:

My account can be seen in the interface after login.

 Alivv is a liar, a rascal

20% will be deducted for each transaction, 15 yuan means 3 yuan, black~~~

 Alivv is a liar, a rascal

The screenshot is after the 10th. I have canceled the order, but it has been hung up for three months, so the account is 45 yuan (before deduction)

 Alivv is a liar, a rascal

This more obviously tells me that I have been linked for three months and deserve 45 yuan

 Alivv is a liar, a rascal

But in the end, I can only get 12+11=23 in the first month!

However, there were some changes later. It seemed that after the website submitted a message, the customer service finally replied to me for the first time, saying that there was a problem with the Shenma system and that I should click on the Shenma Shenma. After a series of operations, the account finally showed the long lost 11 yuan, God~~~


see alivv Related articles for

Please specify that the original article of this website is reproduced from To be kicked , Link:

Comment list (25)

  1. Fortunately, I didn't go to hang up this station~I registered before~this charge is really black! I didn't deduct so much when I was in the middle of the case. At most, the exchange rate is about 0.005 less

    1. The service charge for this deduction is very black. I have not hung up

  2. I suggest that the building owner can directly contact the merchants who buy your link and deal with them directly, not through ALIVV

    1. Foreign language website, don't know how to contact

      1. reply MAN MAN

        Wolf, if it is an English station, you can contact me.

        1. A Ford website bought my link. I don't know how to contact there?

  3. I regretted registering that day. I might as well go to blacklink

    1. It's also troublesome overseas. I don't like the English interface

  4. Can the website make money? For this dozens of dollars, it seriously affects the mood

    1. Hehe, it's not about making money.

  5. Yoxi, I must expose my propaganda for you

    1. Thank you for your support~~

  6. Contact directly, there are few things like this.

    1. It's good to have direct contact information

      1. Don't know how to contact directly??

  7. More intermediaries, more fees

  8. Passing without outside connection...

    1. You... There is no website that has lasted for a long time

  9. Email me every day, but I never registered
    A spam website

    1. Hehe, after this time, I can see clearly

  10. Thanks for sharing. You should pay attention in the future

  11. Thank you for reminding me. No wonder the price here is so high.

  12. Landlord, I have already sent you an email. All your income details and our company's Alipay payment records are in the mailbox. I wanted to call you directly, but the number you left on our platform is empty.
    I still speak politely to you. I hope you will also abide by the Internet rules. Don't let a misunderstanding cause the reputation of other companies to decline. If we are wrong, we can apologize and compensate, but if you are wrong, we hope you can also give us a reasonable explanation and apology!
    I don't want to see such slanderous behaviors as peer competition.

    1. I am a person, not a colleague. For specific explanation, let's communicate via email. No matter what happens, you don't want me to write too much here. Please check the email

  13. This article has a great impact. I found it in one search

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