In order to survive the blog, keep adding advertisements on the blog

Yes, in order to make my blog survive better, I have been adding advertisements and selling links on my blog. Recently, my income has also reached tens of dollars. However, according to people's greed psychology, it is still far from enough. No, there is another advertisement for Bloggers on the sidebar. I heard that it is something from Taiwan compatriots. I just heard that the website is full of traditional characters. I think it should not be wrong

Recently, the advertising alliance shows disgusting things. There are all kinds of hospital advertisements, people flow, * * *, and chaos. Last time I said this It's embarrassing to say that Alimama, Baidu and other advertisements are like this However, I still hang their advertisements. I just adjust the position and size of the advertisements. They are not as disgusting as before. At least they look more comfortable As far as the number of advertisements on the blog is concerned, I think it's not too small. There are a lot of places occupied. But to be honest, I can't afford to buy a steamed bun with this amount of money. Unlike Wange, the cattle blog, the meat buns for breakfast, all come from his blog. I'm an unknown blogger, just entertaining myself. These things can't be compared, and I dare not compare them. People say that people are more than people, It makes sense to be angry

It seems that I don't even know what I'm talking about. Let's talk about a Bloggers ad I added today. I also saw it from Qin Dashao. I applied for one ad at random and put it on today. I don't know how the effect will be. In fact, after I post this article, I will remove it. Because: it doesn't have so many options as other leagues, It's just a long thing coming down. My pages are very uncoordinated. I can't help it. Even if we want to put advertisements, don't make them so disgusting, right? Otherwise, no one will come. Leave a picture as a souvenir

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="299" caption="Bloggers Advertising"] [/caption]

But the loading speed of this thing is really good. It hardly affects the speed of page opening Mummy Ali It won't work. It will seriously affect the speed

I also want to think about how to make this small station have a better income. It is not for eating. If it really depended on this to eat, it would have starved to death in front of the computer 800 years ago. It is just said that this money can be used to advertise, buy space, renew domain names and other things, or buy a picture bed and other things. It is a good choice

Well, a lot of nonsense has been removed. Now it's 1:08 in the morning on the 10th. It's time to go to bed, and tomorrow we have to take the bus to work


see Baidu Blog advertisement alimama Bloggerads Related articles for

Please specify that the original article of this website is reproduced from To be kicked , Link:

Comment list (13)

  1. My god, blogs have changed....... I will fight against ten thousand Ge.

  2. It's not necessarily good to add too much

  3. Hey, your life is seriously out of order.

  4. @Blue ice
    Support the fight against ten thousand soldiers

    Hehe, it has been removed

    @Lu Songsong
    It's only one night. I usually go to bed early

  5. "At least it seems that there is too much input." It should be "comfortable"~
    I want to wait until the daily IP exceeds 1000 before considering advertising~

  6. @Honest Blog
    Thanks for your correction, very careful! fabulous

  7. Wait for the IP to go up and then put the advertisement, otherwise it will not work. Hehe

  8. Just order it if you don't bother. I ordered it

  9. @Create and enjoy life
    Yes, the flow is the prerequisite

    Thank you

  10. I don't do league advertising now, but my advertising space is not very strong, my traffic is not high, and it's hard to take out~dizzy.

    Ps: You have ordered your advertisement~

  11. @Reading the city
    Yeah. The league is almost advertising for nothing. I don't have the heart to sell it. I can't sell it

  12. reply nemo nemo

    Hehe, it seems that it is not easy to do online league now. But I believe that persistence will have results. Recently, I have been paying attention to the Bobaiyou contest, which is also an encouragement for our small and medium-sized individual webmasters. One of the stations did a good job You can pay attention to it when you are free.

  13. Ha ha, all evil Wange!

    Little help you click the advertisement, flash

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