Eopard Nanchong Yingxi Sales Service Center 4S

Telephone: 0817-2272555 Address: Yingkang North Road, Yingxi Sub district Office, Shunqing District, Nanchong - Nanchong Shengqi Automobile Industry Co., Ltd Map

Basic information of 4S store
  • corporate name: Eopard Nanchong Yingxi Sales Service Center
  • Abbreviation: Eopard Nanchong Yingxi Sales Service Center
  • Operating brand: Fang Chengbao
  • Sales hotline: 0817-2272555
  • 4S store address: Yingkang North Road, Yingxi Sub district Office, Shunqing District, Nanchong City Nanchong Shengqi Automobile Industry Co., Ltd
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Leopard 5

Level: SUV Displacement: 1.5T

Drive mode: ● Front 4WD transmission case: automatic

Live photos | Parameter configuration

289800-352800 Guiding price:
2898-352800 Promotion price:
open Individual car model four share
1.5T 194 HP L4 Attention Manufacturer's guide price Margin of preference Selling price consultation