Personal schedule

  1. 5:00-5:10
    This is the beginning of a new day. Please smile every day. Take care of yourself and the people around you.
    Get up slowly and get dressed (try not to get up quickly, which may cause great impact on the heart and other organs). Researchers from the University of Westminster in the UK found that those who got up at 5:22-7:21 in the morning had a high content of a substance in their blood that could cause heart disease. Therefore, getting up after 7:21 or before 5:00 is more beneficial to health. Turn on the table lamp. "Turn on the light as soon as you wake up, which will readjust the body's biological clock and adjust the sleep and wake-up patterns," said Jim Horne, a professor at the Sleep Research Center of Loughborough University. Drink a glass of water. Water is essential for thousands of chemical reactions in the body. Drinking a glass of water in the morning can supplement the water shortage in the evening.
  2. 5:10-5:40
    Brush your teeth before breakfast. "Brushing teeth before breakfast can prevent tooth corrosion, because after brushing teeth, you can apply a layer of fluoride protective layer on the outside of the teeth. Or, you can wait half an hour after breakfast before brushing teeth." Gordon Watkins, a health and safety researcher of the British Dental Association, said.
  3. 5:40-7:00
    Eat some biscuits and drink some water, tidy up your appearance, go to the gym to listen to music, and run. Wait for the sunrise at about 6 o'clock. Then go to the first floor to read Zhang Ziran Say.
  4. 7:00-7:30
    have breakfast. "You must eat breakfast because it can help you maintain a stable blood sugar level," said Kevin Willen, a nutritionist at King's College London. You can eat oatmeal porridge for breakfast, which has a low glycemic index. At the same time, this period is also the best time for the small intestine to absorb nutrition.
  5. 7:30-8:00
    Tidy up the instrument and clock in. Drink a glass of water and watch today's headlines. Zhang Ziran Say.
  6. 8:00-10:00
    Avoid exercise. Researchers from Brunel University found that athletes who exercise in the morning are more likely to be infected with diseases, because the immune system is the weakest at this time. Walk to work. Researchers from the University of Massachusetts School of Medicine found that people who walk every day have a 25% lower risk of colds than those who sit for a long time and do not exercise. Then start the most difficult work or study in the day (because this is a good time for study). Researchers at the New York Sleep Center found that most people are most alert within an hour or two of waking up every day.
  7. 10:00-11:00
    Take your eyes off the screen for a rest. If you work on a computer, let your eyes rest for 3 minutes every hour.
  8. 11:00-12:00
    Have some fruit. This is a good way to solve the problem of blood sugar decline in the body. Eat an orange or some red fruits, which can supplement the iron content and vitamin C content in the body at the same time.
  9. 12:00-12:30
    Add some legumes and vegetables to the bread. You need a delicious lunch and can release energy slowly. "Baked beans are rich in fiber, and ketchup can be used as a part of vegetables," said Dr.
  10. 12:30-13:00
    Take a short lunch break. A university study in Athens found that those who took a 30 minute or longer lunch break every day and took a lunch break at least three times a week had a 37% lower risk of dying from heart disease.
  11. 13:00-16:00
    Wake up and start the afternoon work.
  12. 16:00-17:00
    Have a cup of yogurt. This will stabilize blood sugar levels. Drinking yogurt between meals every day is good for heart health.
  13. 17:00-17:30
    Eat less for dinner. Eating too much dinner will cause blood sugar to rise, increase the burden on the digestive system and affect sleep. Dinner should eat more vegetables and less food rich in calories and protein. Eat carefully and slowly.
  14. 17:30-18:00
    According to the biological clock in the body, this time is the best time to exercise, said Rival Nick, a kinesiologist at Sheffield University.
  15. 18:00-20:30
    Work and rest schedule Suggested study time.
  16. 20:30-21:00
    Wash your face, brush your teeth and take a hot bath. "Proper lowering of body temperature helps to relax and sleep," said Professor Jim Horn, Sleep Research Center of Loughborough University.
  17. 21:00-21:30
    went to bed. If you get up at 5 o'clock in the morning, sleeping now can ensure that you enjoy 7.5 hours of adequate sleep. And this time is the time for the immune system (lymph) to detoxify. This time should be quiet or listen to music to get ready to sleep.
  18. 21:30-23:00
    If you arrange this according to Zhang Ziran Work and rest schedule Work and rest, Zhang Ziran It is recommended that you fall asleep as soon as possible.
  19. 23:00-5:00
    When the browser automatically takes you to this section, I believe it is too late. Remember not to sleep more than 12 o'clock, because even if you rest for 8 hours, it will not help, and you will generally feel uncomfortable or uncomfortable. And most importantly, it is said that this is also an important cause of heart disease- Zhang Ziran Say.
    But in real life, there are some unsatisfactory things, and it is not necessary to fully comply with them Work and rest schedule As long as we persevere, we should try to cultivate our own habits.
    23:00-1:00 Detoxification of liver should be carried out in deep sleep.
    0:00-4:00 During the period of spinal hematopoiesis, you must sleep soundly and should not stay up late.
    1: 00-3:00 The same applies to the detoxification of gallbladder.
    3: 00-5:00 Detoxification of lung. This is why people who cough during this period cough most violently, because the detoxification action has gone to the lungs; Do not use cough medicine to avoid inhibiting the elimination of waste products.
    About eating breakfast. It is better for the patients to eat early. Before 6:30, and before 7:30 for the health preserving people, those who do not eat breakfast should change their habits. It is better to delay eating until 9:00 or 10:00 than not eating.