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Your current location: Zunyi Personnel Examination Network > National civil servants > Test data >Answers to the 2025 National Civil Servant Test (sub provincial): Designer:

Answers to the 2025 National Civil Servant Test (sub provincial): Designer: Design Institute

2024-04-26 15:16:11 Civil Service Examination Network Source: Guizhou Huatu Education

[Introduction] Guizhou Huatu education Synchronize the national examination dynamic information: Answers to the 2025 National Civil Servant Test (sub provincial): Designer: Design Institute More about the national civil servant examination, the national civil servant announcement, the national civil servant, National Civil Service Bureau Please pay attention to National Civil Service Examination Network , and Guizhou Huatu Education (guizouht) The public account obtains more recruitment information and test preparation materials. Candidates can Ctrl+D collect this page to learn more about recruitment information! Customer service consultation

96. (Single choice question) Designer: Design Institute

A. Counselor: financial aid

B. Exercise bike: gym

C. Acne removing liquid: Acne removing seal

D. Trainer: training camp

97. (Single topic) Ring chair: official hat chair

A. Concave eared frog: bullfrog

B. Cabbage: UFO melon

C. Ma'anshan: Qinhuangdao

D. Parkinson's disease: Keshan disease

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