One hundred planners went up the mountain to serve the post disaster reconstruction of Mentougou

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Tuesday, August 22, 2023
 Zhongqing Online

70% of the population in Mentougou District of Beijing was affected

One hundred planners went up the mountain to serve the post disaster reconstruction of Mentougou

China Youth Daily · China Youth Network reporter Zhang Min intern Wang Keyi Source: China Youth Daily( August 22, 2023   03 Version)

Dingjiatan Village, Miaofengshan Town, Mentougou District, Beijing is located on the right bank of the Yongding River, and the terrain is low. It was severely damaged in this heavy rain. Recently, a reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Network followed the planning team to Dingjiatan Village and saw that the road was full of trees, doors and windows, etc. that were broken by the flood, some houses collapsed, and the excavator was cleaning up mud and debris.

From August 11, 100 planners from the relevant industry competent departments, towns and streets of Mentougou District and 16 planning preparation teams including Beijing Municipal Planning Institute, Beijing Municipal Institute of Architecture, Beijing University of Architecture and Architecture went into Mentougou to go up the mountain and enter the village, and carried out post disaster planning exercises in 178 administrative villages in 8 towns and streets of Mentougou District, Collect first-hand information for scientific preparation of post disaster reconstruction plans.

After being swept by the rainstorm, Mentougou District entered the post disaster reconstruction planning stage. At the recent press conference on Beijing's flood control and disaster relief work, Yu Huafeng, secretary of the Mentougou District Party Committee, said that according to preliminary statistics, the affected population in the whole district was about 310000, accounting for about 77% of the district's population, and 40 villages needed reconstruction.

Zhang Gang, the head of the Planning Affairs Section of Mentougou Branch of Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources, introduced that after the launch of the post disaster planning assessment, the relevant departments formulated the technical standards for planning, and the competent departments of various industries and planning teams worked together to collect and summarize the housing construction, road traffic, municipal facilities The damage of gully construction space and ecological space is classified based on the disaster damage, the occurrence of geological disasters and risk prevention and control in the whole region are analyzed, the standing book and the data base map of the whole region are established, and the post disaster reconstruction project database is formed, laying a solid foundation for the next planning preparation.

Wu Haotian, the deputy chief planner of the Institute of Land and Space Planning, Design and Research of Peking University, told the reporter that after nearly 10 days of interviews, his work of modeling and arranging was basically completed. Next, the staff would clean up the houses, start the feasibility study of villagers' relocation while restoring the village water and electricity, and solve the accommodation problem of the current disaster victims as soon as possible.

Li Zexiang, the planner of the institute, said that in order to complete the mapping work as soon as possible, the planning team went to different villages to carry out mapping. In addition to flooding, the distribution of disaster spots, and the damage of houses, they also checked the damage of public service facilities, cultural relics and facilities one by one.

In recent days, planners gathered at 8:30 a.m. to start work, and did not finish work until nightfall. At night, the team will upload and check the data surveyed during the day to ensure that the data is correct.

Wu Haotian said that they also analyzed the reasons for the serious disaster of Dingjiatan Village through the touch and discharge visit. "The village was built along the river and near the valley, so this disaster was caused by both the flood of Yongding River and the impact of mountain torrents."

"Because the village is located in the north, the village did not fully consider the mountain flood defense in the planning and construction before, so the village's defense capacity is insufficient." Wu Haotian said, "Many roads in the village have the function of flood drainage, but with the development of the village, some roads are occupied or rerouted, making the flood drainage in the process of heavy rainfall is not very smooth, which is also an important reason."

These details have been recorded one by one and will be improved in the village reconstruction. Wu Haotian said, "Through this disaster, we also realized that the village's ability to cope with natural disasters caused by extreme weather needs to be improved. For example, the height of some water retaining facilities needs to be improved. The planning of mountain flood drainage ditches should also be adjusted to lead the flood to a more reasonable direction."

In addition to the survey, the working group also went deep into the villagers' homes to understand the needs of the affected villagers and their ideas on post disaster reconstruction. Zhang Gang introduced that, for villages with serious disasters and large flooded areas, if the relocation conditions are available, the relevant departments will communicate with the villagers about relocation and reconstruction, but the willingness of the villagers, financial conditions, surrounding geological disaster risks and other factors should be considered.

Zhang Gang introduced that currently Mentougou District has formulated a work plan for post disaster reconstruction planning, which is led by the district leaders, and plans to carry out a number of special plans, including comprehensive disaster prevention planning along the river, village reconstruction and site selection and resettlement plans, "We plan to complete the status survey, data collection, summary and analysis of various industries by the end of this month, form the status survey and evaluation data, and promote the next step as soon as possible".

China Youth Daily · China Youth Network reporter Zhang Min intern Wang Keyi Source: China Youth Daily

August 22, 2023 03 edition

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