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2024 Summary of Recruitment Announcement of Ningbo Municipal Public Institutions (written examination on June 29)
Time: 2024-05-27 16:10:47 | Source: Zhonggong Zhejiang Public Institution Examination Website

Zhejiang Zhonggong Public Institution Examination Network I would like to bring you some information about the recruitment and examination of Zhejiang public institutions. I want to know more Recruitment of public institutions in Zhejiang Province Relevant information can be viewed Zhejiang Public Institution Examination Page.

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Notice Registration time Time of written examination Score inquiry
2024 Zhejiang Ningbo Health Vocational and Technical College Recruitment Announcement of 4 Persons May 27-29 June 29th  
2024 Announcement on Recruitment of 20 Persons by Institutions Affiliated to Ningbo Civil Affairs Bureau May 27-29 June 29th  
2024 Announcement on Recruitment of Three High level Talents by Institutions Affiliated to Ningbo Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau May 27 June 30 June 29th  
2024 Announcement on Recruitment of One Staff in Institutions Affiliated to Ningbo Municipal Office Affairs Administration May 27-29 June 29th  
2024 Zhejiang Vocational and Technical College of Industry and Commerce Recruitment Announcement of 11 Persons May 27-29 June 29th  
2024 Zhejiang Ningbo University of Finance and Economics Recruitment Announcement of 12 Persons May 27-29 June 29th  
2024 Announcement on Recruitment of One Person for Public Institutions Affiliated to Zhejiang Ningbo Federation of Trade Unions May 27-29 June 29th  
2024 Notice of Zhejiang Ningbo Institute of Engineering on Recruitment of 25 Public Institutions May 27-29 June 29th  
2024 Zhejiang Textile and Garment Vocational and Technical College Recruitment Announcement of 7 full-time instructors May 27-29 June 29th  
2024 Notice on Recruitment of 2 Persons from Ningbo Communication Network Security Center, Zhejiang May 27-29 June 29th  
2024 Zhejiang University Ningbo Institute of Technology Recruitment of 10 Staff May 27-29 June 29th  
2024 Zhejiang Ningbo Preschool Teachers College Recruitment of 9 Staff Announcement May 27-29 June 29th  
2024 Announcement on Recruitment of One Person by Public Institutions Affiliated to the Foreign Affairs Office of Ningbo Municipal People's Government of Zhejiang Province May 27-29 June 29th  
2024 Announcement on Public Recruitment of 2 Persons in Institutions Affiliated to Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Justice May 27-29 June 29th  
2024 State Administration of Taxation Ningbo Municipal Taxation Bureau Public Recruitment Announcement May 27-29 June 29th  
2024 Announcement on Public Recruitment of 3 Persons in Institutions Affiliated to Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Commerce May 27-29 June 29th  
2024 Announcement on Recruitment of 4 Persons by the Procuratorial Security Center of Ningbo Municipal People's Procuratorate May 27-29 June 29th  
2024 Announcement on Recruitment of 2 Persons by Institutions Affiliated to Ningbo Intermediate People's Court March 8-11 March 30th  
Announcement on Public Recruitment of 2 Staff in Institutions Directly under Ningbo Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau in 2024 March 6-8 March 30th  
2024 Ningbo Radio and Television Group Public Recruitment of 16 Career Staffing Announcement March 6-8 March 30th  
2024 Ningbo University Public Recruitment Announcement of 27 Staff March 6-8 March 30th  
2024 Announcement on the Public Recruitment of One Staff in the Subordinate Unit of Ningbo Meteorological Bureau March 6-8 March 30th  
2024 Announcement on Public Recruitment of One Staff Member in Public Institutions under Ningbo Natural Resources and Planning Bureau March 6-8 March 30th  
Announcement of Ningbo Foreign Affairs Translation Center on Public Recruitment of Two Translators in 2024 March 6-12 See the announcement for details  
2024 Ningbo City Vocational and Technical College Public Recruitment Announcement of 36 High level and High skilled Talents As of November 30 See the announcement for details  
Announcement on the Public Recruitment of 6 High level Talents (Teachers) in the College of Science and Technology of Ningbo University in 2024 As of November 30 See the announcement for details  
Announcement on Public Recruitment of 85 High level Talents (Teachers) by Ningbo Institute of Technology of Zhejiang University in 2024 As of December 31 See the announcement for details  
2024 Announcement on Public Recruitment of 2 Employees in Institutions Affiliated to Ningbo Municipal Audit Bureau March 6-8 March 30th  
2024 Zhejiang University School of Software (Ningbo) Management Center (Ningbo Software Education Center) Public Recruitment of 1 Counselor March 6-8 March 30th  
2024 Zhejiang University Ningbo Institute of Technology Public Recruitment of 4 Career Counselors Announcement March 6-8 March 30th  
2024 Zhejiang Wanli University Public Recruitment of 18 Career Staffing Announcement March 6-8 March 30th  
2024 Ningbo Vocational and Technical College Public Recruitment of 10 Full time Counselors (Teachers) Announcement March 6-8 March 30th  

Mobile access link: http://m.zj.zgsydw.com/zhaopin/20240227/69595_1.html

Key words reading:

Recruitment Announcement of Zhejiang Public Institutions Ningbo Business Examination Information

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