Taizhou random play My Dachen Island was staged in the National Grand Theater

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 On May 15, Taizhou Luantang large-scale modern drama My Dachen Island was staged in Beijing National Grand Theater. Photographed by Zhang Yongtao on people.com.cn
On May 15, Taizhou Luantang large-scale modern drama My Dachen Island was staged in Beijing National Grand Theater. Photographed by Zhang Yongtao on people.com.cn

On May 15, Taizhou Luantang large-scale modern play My Dachen Island was performed in Beijing National Grand Theater.

Dachen Island is located in the southeast of Taizhou Bay, Zhejiang Province. My Dachen Island tells of a group of young people who responded to the call of "building Dachen Island of the great motherland" in the 1950s and went to the island with enthusiasm to reclaim land. Ye Qingqing, the young secretary of the Women's League, and her reclamation team members are determined to build Dachen Island into a beautiful hometown with youth and sweat. Choices and tests, love and hope, hardships and challenges are staged in turn on this beautiful island. Innocent faces, vivid figures, and clear souls are engraved into history, vividly interpreting the reclamation spirit of Dachen Island, which is "hard work, hard work, selfless dedication, pioneering and innovative". (Zhou Biye)

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(Editor in charge: Guo Yang, Kang Mengqi)