What is the shoe taboo for teacher interview? Does the teacher interview result on the spot- Replay network

What is the shoe taboo for teacher interview? Does the teacher interview result on the spot?

2023-07-06 13:58:54 Source: Taiyuan Hotline

What is the shoe taboo for teacher interview?

Girls should not wear high heels for interviews. Generally speaking, low heels of black work shoes are also acceptable.

Boys wear leather shoes recently for interview. The leather shoes must be polished to prevent dust from falling on the vamp, let alone mud on the vamp. Socks should be matched with dark colors.

Does the teacher interview result on the spot

Teachers' qualification certificates do not result on the spot. Scores will not be published to candidates. The system only records the qualified or unqualified scores of candidates, and does not display scores.

[Editor in charge: h001]

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