Xiliufu: Duchang Anniversary Store Celebration Successfully

2014-07-23 15:09:11   Source: China Franchise Network   6176 people participated
  • Business scope: building materials
  • Number of stores: 100
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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From July 11 to 17, 2014, the first anniversary of Xiliufu Jewelry Duchang Store was grandly opened. With the theme of "Bright Anniversary · Grateful Offering", this celebration created a summer freezing storm, and expressed gratitude to the people of Duchang for their love and strong support for the six blessings of Jubilee.

As the store celebration of Xiliufu Jewelry Duchang Store, Xiliufu Jewelry Shenzhen Head Office attached great importance to this event Mr. Chen Wenhua, the manager, personally issued the work instructions, mobilized the strength of multiple departments to actively cooperate with the Duchang Store Celebration, to make the brand and Fu culture better and give more benefits to consumers. President Chen even took time out of his busy schedule to participate in the discussion of the anniversary celebration activities of Duchang franchise stores, conveyed the details of the activities and the schedule to all relevant departments, instructed the brand franchisees to be served well with fast and efficient work, and arranged supervisors to rush to the stores to guide and help sales, making full preparations for the celebration activities in advance.

Duchang Anniversary Celebration Shop is full of people

The activity of the day ignited the whole audience, and all kinds of discounts let consumers break through the threshold and form a long queue. Gold is only sold at 288 yuan per gram, and high-quality Haier washing machines, multi-function floor fans and other prizes are free of charge. There are also multiple gifts that are constantly surprising. Great efforts were made to promote the brand and benefit the people. In just a few days of celebration, the sales of Duchang franchise stores quadrupled!

The success of the Duchang store celebration has enhanced the partnership between the headquarters and franchisees, reflected the strong strength of the Xiliufu team, and strengthened the franchise store's position in the local well-known brands. In the future, Xiliufu Jewelry will continue to improve the level of the company's terminal store services and marketing channels, build a strong and powerful backing for the majority of franchisees, and jointly build Xiliufu franchise chain business.

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