There is a quiet voice, but it sounds good

2019-07-26 15:12:28   Source: China Franchise Network   3500 people participated
  • Business scope: jewelry, gold and silver jewelry
  • Number of stores: 400
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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   Mention Dragon Boat Festival

   The first thing most people think of is Zongzi, realgar wine and dragon boat!

   It's about eating, drinking and playing with a dragon

   Four legal holidays

   Different festivals

   Same festive routine

   After madness

   There will always be several melodies around


   Or remember the past, or place hope in the present, or look forward to the future


   Music is a kind of sound that is difficult to describe with words

   Everyone's mood is different, and what they hear is also different

   Lyrics with music scores

   Say a lot of silly words

   Sing it beautifully

   It is also an extension of the magic of music

   The sound goes in through the ear

   It touches the heartstrings

   From green to mature love

   Sweet and bitter

   Happy, sad

   There are always a few lyrics that make people feel the same

   Enthusiasm and enthusiasm for pursuing ideals


   Depressed and uplifting

   There are always a few lyrics that make people stronger

   Unforgettable family and friendship

   Is another melody full of temperature

   Almost all feelings

   Can be expressed in music

   But Dragon Boat Festival

   Music may just belong to the noise in a room

   Beautiful music may be just the collision of pots and pans

   A noisy picture full of family flavor

   It's a moving melody


label: Join women's jewelry store Joined jewelry Jewelry franchise
 Jin Daxiang Jewelry
  • one thousand one hundred and twenty-one people Pay attention to jewelry
  • fourteen thousand and ninety-one people Consulting Jewelry

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