Do you choose the right comb for the six benefits of combing your hair?

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Combing hair is something that everyone does every day. Traditional Chinese medicine says that combing hair can eliminate all kinds of diseases. It seems that combing hair has a certain health preserving effect. What are the benefits of regular combing? What kind of comb is better for combing your hair? Next, let me introduce you in detail!

What's the advantage of combing your hair?

1. Comb your hair to protect it

Research shows that repeated combing can produce electric induction, stimulate the scalp peripheral nerves and capillaries, and promote blood circulation and metabolism. Combing hair regularly can help the elderly protect their hair and reduce hair loss. Combing hair often increases friction to dredge veins. In this way, the hair can also get enough nutrition, and the quality of hair will become better and better.

2. Combing hair is good for headache

Combing the hair and stimulating the scalp can relax the tense and spastic blood vessels, thus playing a role in vascular neuralgia, migraine, neurasthenia and other pains. Persist in combing your hair every morning and evening to keep a happy mood, which can avoid chronic headache.

3. Combing hair is good for cleaning hair

The benefits of combing hair are also reflected in cleaning hair. Regular combing can prevent hair loss, remove dandruff, dirt, secretions, etc., keep hair and scalp clean, promote the secretion of sebaceous glands in the head, speed up metabolism, and improve hair quality.

4. Comb your hair to promote brain movement

Combing your hair regularly will help promote brain movement and help calm your nerves. The head is the location of human nerves, and there are many important acupoints. Combing hair can not only massage the scalp, but also stimulate the head and neck acupoints, promote the blood circulation of the head and neck, improve the excitability of the brain nerves, expand blood vessels, and accelerate lymph flow, thus improving the oxygen supply of the brain, slowing down the aging speed of brain cells, and playing a role in brain tonic and preventing brain aging.

5. Comb your hair to prevent stroke

Elderly people often comb their hair to prevent stroke. Regularly comb the hair, stimulate blood vessels and pores, promote the excretion of excreta from the head, thus improving the metabolism of the body. On the other hand, you should be patient when combing your hair. The time for combing your hair should be about ten minutes. It should not be too long or too short. When combing, you can feel your scalp slightly warm.

6. Combing hair is one of the better health care methods

Modern science believes that there are many capillaries and nerve endings distributed on the head of a person, and the color of hair directly reflects the rise and fall of various organs of the body. In traditional Chinese medicine, the essence of the human brain lies in the hair, which reflects the amount of blood left in the body and controls all mental and facial activities. The condition of hair directly reflects the condition of the five internal organs. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine regards maintaining hair as one of the better methods for health care.

What kind of comb is better?

1. Wood comb

In ancient civilization, the wooden comb was invented by the princess of the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan under the inspiration of fish bones. At present, there are many kinds of wooden combs, such as sandalwood combs, jujube combs, peach combs, etc. Combing hair with wood can promote the blood circulation of the scalp and help improve the quality of sleep.

2. Silver comb

The pure silver comb can remove hair dirt, relieve itching and pain, and it is warm without hanging hair. It has strong immunity, can remove inflammation and cool blood, relieve itching, avoid static electricity, reduce hair loss, protect hair, relieve blood circulation, and other unique health protection.

Silver Life [Phoenix Silver Comb] is designed with massage comb teeth+ball root teeth, which is ergonomic and more suitable for the density of acupoints on the head of the human body. Hair combing and massage can relieve the body and mind, and achieve twice the result with half the effort. Crafted with exquisite craftsmanship, it interprets the aesthetic charm of design with smooth lines and beautiful shapes, integrating practicality, health preservation and appreciation.

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