Guangzhou Jade Shop Supply at a discount

2016-07-26 09:13:05   Source: China Franchise Network   8799 people participated
  • Business Scope: Jewelry
  • Number of stores: 90
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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Guangzhou jade stores don't worry about providing goods at a discount. With the gradual improvement of people's living standards, consumers' demand for jewelry, jade and other accessories is gradually rising. Some Baoshaoyou jade stores are doing well.

Founder Annie. Before he started his business, Luo collected all kinds of original jewelry stones during his travels around the world, and worked with his partner Jack, a famous jewelry designer. Dwell together made a batch of jewelry with the collected materials. The jewelry was loved by many friends around Annie, who wanted to buy Annie's jewelry. Annie was greatly inspired, and Guangzhou Jade Store founded the buzzon1974 brand. In addition, a large number of green gemstones are used in jewelry to reflect their own jewelry concept: Guangzhou jade stores advocate healthy and natural jewelry concept. At the beginning of 1974, buzzon's products were hand inlaid with jadeite and diamonds. Since its establishment in 1974, buzzon, a jade store in Guangzhou, has adhered to its five beliefs: opposing industrial pollution, supporting social fairness and harmony, advocating green health awareness, putting people first and protecting the earth.

Guangzhou jade store supplies at a discount. Buzzon 1974, operated in mainland China, is operated by Qizun International Brand Organization. It is positioned as inheriting Chinese jade culture, spreading the concept of natural and healthy accessories, and radiating the dignity of rich oriental cultural classics Jewelry brand

label: Ranking list of jade franchise stores Jade Agency WeChat Business Joined jade brand Ranking list of jadeite franchises
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  • one thousand and ninety-one people Pay attention to jewelry
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