How much is the joining fee of Liufu Jewelry? Conditions for joining Liufu Jewelry

2015-10-15 15:39:42   Source: China Franchise Network   15549 people participated
  • Business Scope: Gems and Jewelry
  • Number of stores: 20
  • Single store investment: 100~200 ten thousand
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As a well-known brand in the industry, Liufu Jewelry is not only a brand trusted by consumers, but also a project favored by entrepreneurs! Therefore, many people are asking how much is the joining fee of Liufu Jewelry? What are the conditions for joining Liufu Jewelry? Now, let's introduce these problems in detail!

How much is the joining fee of Liufu Jewelry

Jewelry is a relatively expensive product, and the cost of smart choice is certainly not low. It is understood that the amount of the Smart Choice of Liufu Jewelry Store is more than 1 million yuan, including 20000 yuan of franchise fees. The other costs are the store rent, decoration fees and supply costs. In order to support the interests of partners, Liufu Jewelry Headquarters will have strict regional protection policies and provide price protection measures to improve/increase the cashiers of franchisees.

 Liufu Jewelry Franchise Store

Conditions for joining Liufu Jewelry

1、 The franchisees of Liufu Jewelry must have legal individual households or corporate companies with business qualifications, and legal citizens who can bear the civil rights granted by law;

2、 There is a business site suitable for operating Liufu Jewelry, with long-term business objectives;

3、 Having qualified business reputation and certain financial strength;

4、 Ability to manage and operate capital, manpower, brand and market;

5、 Provide professional service, marketing and other staff, and carry out professional business;

6、 Good social coordination ability;

7、 Be able to plan long-term development and keep reputation.

 Liufu Jewelry

As mentioned above, do you know how much the joining fee of Liufu Jewelry is? The brand strength of Liufu Jewelry in the market is obvious to all. If you have sufficient funds, are optimistic about the development prospects of Liufu Jewelry, and meet the conditions for Liufu Jewelry to join, then you can join it! Liufu Jewelry is looking forward to your joining!

 Jin Daxiang Jewelry
  • one thousand three hundred and ninety-seven people Pay attention to jewelry
  • ten thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine people Consulting Jewelry

Registered member -Pay attention to the brand - offline recommendation - in-depth communication - confirm the deal and find the project is so efficient

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