Profile of the Chairman of Shanghai Laofengxiang Co., Ltd

2013-07-23 09:13:24   Source: China Franchise Network   14106 people participated
  • Business scope: gold, jewelry
  • Number of stores: 600
  • Single store investment: 100~200 ten thousand
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[Name] Hu Shugang


[Gender] Male


[Education] Master candidate, senior economist


[Title] Shanghai Laofengxiang Co., Ltd. is the first, director and chairman of the second and third board of directors


[Unit] Shanghai Laofengxiang Co., Ltd


[Character summary] In 1985, he served as the director of Pencil Factory No. 1. In 1999, he became the chairman of Shanghai Laofengxiang Co., Ltd. Since 1992, he has successively served as the company's priority, director and chairman of the second and third board of directors, and leader of the top ten diamond ring brands.


Company Profile:


Laofengxiang was founded in 1848 AD (the 28th year of Daoguang Reign of Qing Dynasty), which has a history of 163 years. After several changes and vicissitudes, Laofengxiang Silver House has developed into a leading jewelry enterprise with a long history, a large scale, a wide range of jewelry and deep cultural heritage. Laofengxiang brand has continuously included all high standard brand honors. It has not only won the titles of "trademark with certain reputation", "brand", "commercial brand", "commercial service brand", "top 100 old Chinese brands", etc., but also has been rated as "500 valuable brands", "top 500 Asian brands", "top 100 global jewelry brands" by international brand reputation organizations, Its brand value reached 4.35 billion yuan, ranking first among domestic jewelry enterprises. In 2009, Lao Fengxiang's gold and silver fine arts and crafts were listed in the intangible cultural heritage list. In 2010, Lao Fengxiang was awarded the title of "Advanced Gold Jewelry Brand" by the Gold Association.


Laofengxiang Franchise Network:


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