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How does Apple downgrade the system version (directly on the mobile phone)

Hello, everyone. I'm Xiaosheng from Urban and Rural Economic Network to answer the above questions. How does Apple downgrade the system version (many people don't know how to directly downgrade the system version on mobile phones, now let's have a look!

At present, with the launch of iOS13, many description files that block iOS are out of date. In many cases, when iPhone, iPad and other devices are connected to WiFi and charged, iOS will automatically check for iOS updates and download the installation package. When the main interface asks for iOS updates, iOS may be upgraded to the latest version by an accidental operation. How can I downgrade iOS after it is accidentally upgraded to the latest version?

First of all, we need to understand the concept of step-down channel. Since the launch of iOS, Apple has made certain restrictions on the upgrade channel of iOS. Generally speaking, after the new iOS system version appears, the previous system version will be in the upgrade channel closed state in 2-3 weeks. At this time, ordinary users can not conduct random upgrade operations. Therefore, after updating to the latest system, the first thing we need to do is to check whether the upgrade channels of iOS versions are still open. At present, there are many ways to check. The website I often use and update in a timely manner is the ipsw.me website, which provides real-time upgrade channel information of all models and versions, The red X in the front represents those who are not authorized to obtain signatures at present, and the detailed interface is as follows:

[Data Map]

Versions with step-down channel closed

After the release of iOS 13.3.1, the corresponding iOS 13.3 and earlier versions have closed the downgrade channel of each version. At present, only iOS 13.3.1 is still in the free upgrade and downgrade status. It is believed that iOS 13.3.1 will also close the channel soon after the release of iOS 13.4

In the version where the step-down channel is open

After we understand the upgrade and downgrade channels, all we need to do is download the firmware installation package, upgrade and downgrade.

After querying whether the above versions can be upgraded or downgraded, follow the steps below to upgrade or downgrade the version.

Select the version that needs to be upgraded or downgraded, download the installation package from the computer. You can download the installation package from the above website, or from third-party software such as personal favorite Aisi Assistant. Note: Download the installation package corresponding to the model. For example, the iPhone 8 series is divided into iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 plus.

Firmware installation package

Connect the iPhone and other devices to the computer for flash operation. I prefer to use Apple's official iTunes, which needs to be upgraded to the latest version before use. When iPhone is connected to iTunes, various information about the current device will appear. Click the phone icon in the upper menu bar, and the following interface will appear:

Click the icon to display the device information interface

After the above interface appears, hold down shift+left mouse button and click "Restore iPhone", then locate the folder in the firmware installation package downloaded in the first step, select the installation package, and click Open. Note: This step requires the phone to turn off the "Find My iPhone" function, which can be turned off in "Settings" - "iCloud".

Turn off Find My iPhone in iPhone

After clicking Finish on the upper part, iTunes will automatically load and install the installation package. The rest process is the same as the iPhone OTA flash interface. The progress bar will be updated twice. After 3-5 minutes, the upgrade and downgrade of iOS will be completed. So far, the upgrade and downgrade operation is complete.

1. Check the upgrade and upgrade channels before the machine brushing operation to avoid downloading the installation package in vain;

2. Please back up all data and information before cleaning to avoid loss;

3. Ensure that the equipment is in sufficient power during the machine brushing process.

If you want to get more information about iOS upgrade operations and precautions, you can directly use the search box above today's headline app to enter "Apple upgrade" to view more knowledge about iOS upgrade.

This article has been explained here for you, and I hope it will be helpful to you.

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